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Such a load of potential here. First off, use Rain Dance to double the only stat that Luvdisc doesn't need a boost in. 95 Base Power with the boost from STAB and Rain Dance sounds very powerful, and it would be on any other Pokémon. Ice Beam is for all these Grass-types that have way too much Special Defense to hurt anyway, but I suppose I just like the words "It's super effective" on your screen. Toxic shows off Luvdisc's amazing stalling power with 43 HP, 55 Defense and 65 Special Defense, but Hidden Power Electric is there if you're afraid of Pelipper or (God forbid) a hostile Luvdisc!

You sure Romney didn't say all that of his own accord? :lol:

I changed my mind on the gym's TM. I'd give no ****s for the rules 'n have a new TM for Volt Tackle. With Raichu as my signature 'mon, it'd only make sense. Half my team learns and would make use of Wild Charge, so why the hell not make Wild Charge's big brother available to moar Pokes? Ain't like the only evolution line to learn it is very good in the first place anywho. I've also decided on a whim that my battle would be a Double battle to further emphasis my place as the strongest gym really meanin' somethin'. As for the movesets...

Manectric (shiny!), Minus:

- Discharge
- Thunder
- Overheat
- Volt Tackle


- Reflect
- Discharge
- Rock Gem
- Focus Blast

Jolteon, Volt Absorb:

- Discharge
- Thunderbolt
- Detect
- Yawn

Electivire, Motor Drive:

- Volt Tackle
- Cross Chop
- Ice Punch
- Rock Slide

Luxray, Intimidate:

- Volt Tackle
- Superpower
- Fire Fang
- Night Slash

Raichu, Static, Electric Gem:

- Volt Tackle
- Brick Break
- Mega Kick (salutations, Surge!)
- Light Screen

Added on Ampharos to further emphasis the gym as bein' somethin' special, having a full team though not even the E4 does. That, and for Plus/Minus abuse. :lol: A Doubles gym leader who specializes in Electric types can't be caught not usin' said strategy.

The theme of the movesets is the obvious Doubles synergy in useful abilities and certain moves (Discharge + Volt Absorb/Motor Drive, Reflect & Light Screen, etc.), as well as reckless abandon for potent moves that have high base power in return for drawbacks; full-out offense, in other words. Moves like Focus Blast or Thunder have poor accuracy as the drawback, whereas attacks like Overheat or the ubiquitous Volt Tackle can't be used many times due to their rather immediately felt downsides.

When rematched, the team would get a huge overhaul.

Raichu, Static, Electric Gem:

- Volt Tackle
- Brick Break
- Fake Out
- Volt Switch

Jolteon, Volt Absorb, Choice Specs:

- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power (Ice)

Electivire, Motor Drive, Expert Belt:

- Volt Tackle
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch
- Cross Chop

Luxray, Intimidate, Choice Band:

- Volt Tackle
- Superpower
- Ice Fang
- Crunch

Rotom (Wash), Levitate, Leftovers:

- Discharge
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split

Zapdos, Lightningrod, Life Orb

- Thunderbolt
- Heat Wave
- Hidden Power (Grass)
- Roost

The theme of risky, reckless abandon is gone. Movesets are tuned up and Manectric & Ampharos have been replaced. Movesets and abilities would swap around a bit for Doubles and Triples of course (Zapdos would lose Roost and Lightningrod, more spread moves, etc.). I figured having two legendaries would be a bit much for any in-game gym leader, so instead of Thundurus as well only Zapdos makes the team.

/laughably unnecessary amount of effort

Such a load of potential here. First off, use Rain Dance to double the only stat that Luvdisc doesn't need a boost in. 95 Base Power with the boost from STAB and Rain Dance sounds very powerful, and it would be on any other Pokémon. Ice Beam is for all these Grass-types that have way too much Special Defense to hurt anyway, but I suppose I just like the words "It's super effective" on your screen. Toxic shows off Luvdisc's amazing stalling power with 43 HP, 55 Defense and 65 Special Defense, but Hidden Power Electric is there if you're afraid of Pelipper or (God forbid) a hostile Luvdisc!


lol competitive luvdisc movesets
I am merely a spirit, a wanderer in the night. I typed my signature then copied and pasted it earlier,before It was my signature.

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