Paste the Last thing you copied


(on a side note- NONE of you are going to remember who this is or what song it is :rolleyes: just remember that the 80s rocked!)

just a divider for my Mii Profile. xP you'd be amazed if you saw it.. lol

[30] Wii
[30] Gamecube
[30] N64
[30] SNES
[30] NES


[15] Saturn


[9] 2600

Neptune (Sega)
PS1 (Sony)
Jaguar (Atari)
Xbox (Microsoft)
Xbox 360 (Microsoft)
PS3 (Sony)
Dreamcast (Sega)
5200 (Atari)
PS2 (Sony)
"If there were a views count in every Wiichat profile, yours would have the most views.. Well I came here to say Hi to you. You seem to be a very nice person"

xP well, that's on my Mii Profile too. lol
Wanna come to Portugal in this Summer?? Eheh :p

Do you know that we get tourists in every season of the year, English people and German people love this country, because of the weather and the beaches being so damm great. And they say that we (Portuguese people) are very nice :cool:

And I thought that it were some other stuff...
"Once, she didn't speak to me for a week because I said her tea towel was ugly."

My good friend Pete.

Dunno what I was copying it for though. >_>

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