Password Reset


WiiChat Member
Mar 25, 2008
I bought a Wii from a guy on craigslist and there are password locks on it. I am trying to find out the way to reset it to factory default. Any one know a resolution?
Isn't there a reformat option? I think you have to go into maintainence mode or something.
i had the same problem what you need to do is contact nintendo and tell them that your son or whatever was messing around with the password and now cant remember what they put in. nintendo will then phone you back in aroun d 15 mins if i remember rightly with the new password hope that helps
If you reset your Wii, note that you'll get a new Wii number. If you've already downloaded any VC games, you won't be able to re-download them. And any Miis you try to back up to your remote you won't be able to edit.
You can't reformat the Wii if you don't know the password.

Unless, as others have said, you somehow manage to get Nintendo to help out or something.
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I called 1-800-255-3700 and was given a master code after answering some questions. all good now.
snewman218 said:
I called 1-800-255-3700 and was given a master code after answering some questions. all good now.
Man, tell us, that would be so helpful to a large number of people.

My brothers son set a password so that he can't change them and limited his access and we're both scratching out heads on how to change it now.

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