parry attacks


WiiChat Member
Sep 28, 2006
i was watching a trailer of legend of zelda twilight princess when i saw link doing that amazing front flip parry sword slash he did in wind waker! this game is going to be awesome!

By the way is it just me or do u find that fairy in the wii version to be a tad distracting????
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Just a tad. You'll get used to it, I'm sure. No more annoying than Navi was, and at least this one doesn't spam you with "HEY! LISTEN!".
hmmmm well I never found navi to be annoying, but after I beat the game and knew everything to do it did. Anyways yeah that parry move did ook pretty awsome (I saw the video too!) I have heard that in the Wii version of TP there was only one attack link could do and that was just a right slash.
Although this was at TGS and has most likley been improved...if not then I am going to be F$&@# pissed!!!!

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