Original New Super Mario Bros Wii NOT working!!


WiiChat Member
Mar 16, 2011
My Original New Super Mario Bros Wii NOT working on my wii console. I played with the game before but now it seems to not work. it says on my TV "The disc could not be read. Refer to the wii operation manual for details." I don't find my manual. Please help.
Hard one, is it new? If not it may be scratched, Where do you have your Wii? Maybe the optical system is dirty, other games work on the Wii?
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Yes I have check everything even clean the optical lens and the disc its not scratch. The game is maybe 1 yrs old. The Wii is next to my TV but like 12" from it, and other game that I have do work like all Marios game, WWE, Donkey Kong Country Returns, etc.....:yesnod:
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Ok thanks I will find some info and will keep you guys inform or update on what causes this problem. But if anything comes up please inform me too.
Thanks again for your help.:yesnod:
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Hey Sorry for the tardy. was in a moving process.

Anyway I call the nintendo and there was nothing they can do. they told me that I had to have the latest version (4.3U) which I do. they gave me simple intructions on how to clean the disc, the console, etc,etc..... but nothing. I decided to take the disc to my niece house to see if it will work on her nintendo Wii and it did. So I just finally gave up and gave it to her. she was happy, I was happy in a way that she and my son could play.But my question will be "Why only that game?" Thanks for the nintendo surpport phone and web site. Thanks alot. :wink:

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