Mario Super Bros and Super Galaxy


WiiChat Member
Nov 30, 2009
Help and apologies for another mario thread! I'm torn between ordering either Super Galaxy or the New Super Mario Bros for my son for Christmas (he is 6).

I was leaning towards Galaxy as he has the New Super Mario Bros on DS and ,whilst he loves it, thought getting the same game for the Wii might not be worth it. However, the multi player capability on the New Super Mario Bros for the Wii is attractive. Any thoughts on whether the Wii version is differerent / special compared to the DS to make it a 'fresh' game?

many thanks
New super mario bros wii-No giant mushroom,More new power-ups,Different worlds and levels,Bonus World 9 after completing world 1 - world 8,Able to use luigi,toad,toad[different color],Yoshi[to help beat worlds],you can defeat camera guy and use his cloud to reach places,Power ups are mini mario-penguin mario-ice mario-Star mario-Propeller mario,Different & new items.And Much More.

Super mario galaxy-Very fun,You can play as luigi after completing game with mario,Bonus Level at the end,New power-ups:Boo mario,spring mario,Ice mario,flying mario,fire flower mario and Star mario,Similar to mario 64 but takes place in a galaxy,Many levels to beat

New super mario bros is newer than mario galaxy.

How i know all of the above?
I have both games:wink:

What i suggest ?
Mario galaxy,even though it seems old its very vibrant,has many colors, and would be great for a 6 year old.
New super mario bros wii-No giant mushroom,More new power-ups,Different worlds and levels,Bonus World 9 after completing world 1 - world 8,Able to use luigi,toad,toad[different color],Yoshi[to help beat worlds],you can defeat camera guy and use his cloud to reach places,Power ups are mini mario-penguin mario-ice mario-Star mario-Propeller mario,Different & new items.And Much More.

Super mario galaxy-Very fun,You can play as luigi after completing game with mario,Bonus Level at the end,New power-ups:Boo mario,spring mario,Ice mario,flying mario,fire flower mario and Star mario,Similar to mario 64 but takes place in a galaxy,Many levels to beat

New super mario bros is newer than mario galaxy.

How i know all of the above?
I have both games:wink:

What i suggest ?
Mario galaxy,even though it seems old its very vibrant,has many colors, and would be great for a 6 year old.
this guy is completely right. the only thing i'm going to add is if you'd rather play with your son then get NSMBWii.
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Many thanks, really useful. I actually went for New Super Mario Brothers in the end on the basis of being able to play with him (and we have a house full over Christmas and New Year, so will be fun for others to join in). Will look at getting Super Galaxy after Christmas though as it does look great.

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