Organizing Our Group


WiiChat Member
Jan 17, 2011
I'd like to invite the following players to start a team with A3rdGrader. Just a loose knit collection of ruthless mercenaries. If you guys have others, post them here. If you guys are in, post here and nominate others. i have not seen any group online that can beat anyteam with A3rdGrader, Dane and Dok. If you have a team, please challenge us here.

Great Dane

I don't want to be the general and make a bunch of rules, if you want to join this team just start responding to invites or trying to join a current game. When you start playing with us online, you can join the team.

Do we need a tag?

Anyone else who wants to join, post your friend code here. If you're a friend of mine now, you're definitely in. If you want to cheat fine, just don't use proximity mines. I'll enjoy turning your Masterson and Silenced Annova on your ass.

My google chat is tbatch. I usually have it on when I'm online. Add me so we can chat.

I like to play a lot of different games and I don't really enjoy playing against bad players for two hours. I also like to shoot my teammates once in a while and show them who's boss in Conflict or GG. just kidding Dane, please don't shoot me :)

Does anyone know of a way to access the data that the Wii or Nintendo stores for online Goldeneye?
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excellent. i'll see you guys online this evening. I should be on around 6pm.
i want to be on ur team im a lvl 42 my online name is a10 year old my fc is 345679937405 let me no if i can be on ur if i could tht would be G8
Betcha I know of a team or two that could take you guys out. I've been put up against them a few times. Prince-Luigi, Sir.Bud, Sam Fisher, and any of their other friends above level 50 tend to rip people apart.
Homer, quit talking about things you know nothing of. We aren't a clan, don't advertise ourselves as elite players, and don't go out of our way to organize "battles".
Betcha I know of a team or two that could take you guys out. I've been put up against them a few times. Prince-Luigi, Sir.Bud, Sam Fisher, and any of their other friends above level 50 tend to rip people apart.

Sam fisher and Prince Luigi are not in a clan. Sir Bud is [SD] and our clan played them and we lost all 7 matches. They are commonly as the best clan out there with 4 or 5 guys in the top 50 players. We did come close to beating them in a few matches where the final tally was 40-36 and 40-34. But they are by a descent margin the best there is.

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