ONM Review Sonic and the Secret Rings

King Wiired

Aug 8, 2006
United Kingdom Status : Stunnin'
Wii Online Code
How does it controll? Do they work well?

Yup, the controls work well enough. As you probably know, you control Sonic by holding the Remote on its side and tilting it left and right. For the most part this is accurate, and you do feel in control most of the time.

It is alot like a 2d game, right? It’s on ‘tracks’.

Well, yeah, sort of. When we say it’s like the 2D games we mean it takes the game back to its roots with just fast gameplay and simple controls. We don’t mean it plays just like the 2D games because they offered more freedom (you could walk eithe rforwards or backwards). It’s maybe not the best example because it makes it sound worse than it is, but it’s more like the bonus stage in Sonic 2 or Sonic Rush.

Does it have multi player?

Not in the main Adventure mode. It does allow up to four players in Party mode though.

Do you find that the sheer speed of the game increases the difficulty? In some videos it looks far too fast to be able to react to things quickly enough.

Yes and no. Many of the times when it looks like it’s going stupidly fast you’re usually not in control (it’s a set-piece or something). The game deliberately starts things off quite slow (well, slowish) so you can get used to the controls, then when you later unlock speed upgrades the game will progressively get faster.

Is it as long a Zelda Wii?

No. Nothing is.

I usually go by ONM ratings, and with this they gave Sonic 81/100, which I feel is much better then I thought in my book. After playing other 3d sonic games, I've learnt they're terrible :p and though I shouldn't compare this future one to the old ones, I'm sure I'm not the only one who immediately did so :) so yeah, I think by what I've read from this thread (which has a bunch of questions answered) I feel I may just have to check this game out :)

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