Online Games for Wii!


WiiChat Member
Jan 14, 2007
hey, i was just wondering if anyone knew what the online games for wii will be like? Will you have to pay? or will it be much like he DS WiFi play? and which games will you be able to go online with?
Right now the service is going to be free. It's a lot like the DS Wi-Fi system. So no worries there. As far as games online, we don't really know. The only confirmed ones that I know about are Pokemon Battle Stadium in Japan and I know that in Elebits you can trade user-created stages. Other than that there are only rumors as to which games will have online and what you'll be able to do. If online's important to you wait a month and I'm sure there will be a ton of info.
battalion wars 2 is online aswell. Im assuming that the new animal crossing game will be online 2 but thats ways away. Im loving the fact that its free.
i think mario smash football wii is online :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

there should be some FPS coming out to which SHOULD BE ONLINE :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Beatle14 said:
i think mario smash footballQUOTE]
what do u think? wtf is mario smash football? mario dosent smash footballs!
if ur talking about Soccer its called mario strikers charged.
Online? As in online multiplayer? Or do we not know when it will come out?
Look, Nintendo is making sure to give us online games.

And im hoping for Pokemon Battle Revolution and Pokemon Diamond.
Also for Super Smash Bros. Brawl
And others
yah everyone should relaxe, im sure their setting up servers in NAO for online games, i think thats why battalion wars 2 dosent have a release date yet, cuz their waiting to online to go up.
martin8768 said:
Beatle14 said:
i think mario smash footballQUOTE]
what do u think? wtf is mario smash football? mario dosent smash footballs!
if ur talking about Soccer its called mario strikers charged.

Don't start changing Football to Soccer, you speak English, our language which you changed a few word, if someone calls "Soccer" Football you do not argue ok?
Silent-Sniper said:
martin8768 said:
Don't start changing Football to Soccer, you speak English, our language which you changed a few word, if someone calls "Soccer" Football you do not argue ok?

In UK and Australia the game is called Mario Smash Football, In US and i assume Japan it's called strikers charged. so ya both right but the attitude of the other guy is off
im just kiding, i know europeans call soccer football, cant u take a joke?
i didnt know that the UK version was called mario smash football, i tought it sounded weird.
add: also guy who posted b4 me, calm down, metroid 3 will be online, and im not sure but what about those Medal of honor games? vangard and airborne? they might be online to.

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