Online Critic, lookin for a site sponser.


WiiChat Member
Mar 26, 2009
Hey everyone. I'm an avid Wii lover, and I've seen my brother Shoko come here before, so I thought I'd sign up and say hey. This is my collection of Wii games:

Also, I was wondering if you guys could sponsor me on your website. I've got a great number of Wii games, and I'm up to doing reviews for them by request!

This site dosent do things like that tho
Its kinda hard to ask the site owner anything as hes rarely here
you could prolly go unofficial sponsership, thoough -- no money, of course.

post your reviews in wiichat's news section and have a source link to your review.
have each review post back to the wiichat thread. -- you need to benefit wiichat or you could just get your thread deleted or get banned from wiichat.

be prepared for criticism of your review. some of it could be constructive, tho.

being a regular member of wiichat would be a good thing.

the above advice could work, you never know until you try... :p
welcome to wiichat :)

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