Homestar Lover Here


WiiChat Member
Mar 16, 2007
In Iowa (go Hawkeyes)!!!
Hey, I'm sonictt1, if you want 2 xchange Wiimail, just PM me your friend code and we'll do all that. College football and basketball are my lives (besides video games). I've beaten all those classic games everybody talks about when they get caught in their memories (Metroid, LOZ Orcarina of Time, etc.). Overall, I'm one of the most hardcore gamers with the most hardcore system, the Wii.:yesnod: I like girls (which means I'm straight:ciappa: ). I love parties, but I never drink (hey, I'm 13!). I still love a good ol' stay-up-all-night-yelling-at-ur-friends-playing-video-games parties. My favorite kind of music is metal/hard rock (Demon Hunter, Skillet, Falling Up). My favorite website is, I didn't make it, but I love it. Well, that's me!

TyLeR tHoMpSoN:cool:

sonictt1 said:
, I'm one of the most hardcore gamers with the most hardcore system, the Wii.:yesnod:

Not a hard core system
Try The Virtual boy, or opentant nega scope
welcome! I graciously accept you into wiichat, you fellow homestar runner lover. That was weird i dont use words like gracious. W.e, welcome to wii chat. Obey the rules, dont troll, and dont double post. YAY!

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