Ok We Are Down To The Nitty Gritty!!!

Zori said:
Ah the days are coming to a close. I keep making plans which I think are great, and then stores announce more and more things. My plans are forced to change, I worry and worry and worry and worry and worry and worry...Will I get it on launch day? Will 5 AM be early enough? The world may never know.....

That probably won't be early enough, i'll be honest. I mean, it really depends on the popularity of gaming and Nintendo in general, in your area. But with such a low priced launch system, more people could try and get their paws on a system too. I'll be up all night on the 18th, and once I see someone try and line up, i'll get out of the Tim Hortons or McDonalds and run for my spot in line. Luckily a buddy or two should be with me to take turns in line for washroom breaks and food/drinks.
i cant wait untill i get my wii i reserved it also with tp

any questions ask me i no a lot lot lot about the wii
Yarr, wer all do now :D Wii allll know...Except I still dont get how to connect to the internet without wireless and that stupid wi-fi adapter.
If you can read this , you get a FREE piece of paper.
And to do this , turn on NUMBER LOCK (Num Lock), then hold in ALTERNATE (Alt), then press random numbers on the right side , and then let go of Alt then you get a weird thing !
like : ¥ or ▓ , it only works on the right side and 4 will not work on a forum because it will make you go back a page :(

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