ok im offically pissed off

teh frog said:
ok i went to 3 wal marts 2 best buys 2 circut citys 2 gamestops 3 ebgames and 1 ebx and no wii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: what really pissed me off is a waited in line for best buy to open cuz one guy standing there said he called and they had wiis in stock today, i run over to the wii and gcn isle and there was no ****ing wii's!!! i waited for a half hour 2nd in line!!!!!!! this has to be the worst day of my life!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
don't worry little buddy, it's alright, you can just come to my house and play...IN HELL!!! MWAAAAHAAAAAHAAA!:devil:
I was lucky and got mine in Dec before xmas, Zellers (haha) got a shipment of 6 and my dads friends dad is the head pharmacist there and got us on the top of the list for one. :)

gl tho.

Two of my friends got theirs at Ebay, so thats prob best bet.
hah me too. i dont even own any games besides wii sports. just rented cod3 and metal slug today. itll be better once more games come out. my problem now is finding another wii mote and nunchuck. shouldve bought one when i got the wii right before the weekend. couldnt find one anywhere today. even online.
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Should've camped out Dec. 17 at Best Buy. I waited for 14 hours and got mine. Don't complain about no payoff if you don't put in the work.
hehehe poor americans, just come to australia! they're everywhere

well, goodluck with the hunt
teh frog said:
srry for doubble post but my parents "wont pay another penny for the wii" so no ebay for mii! :mad2:
ANOTHER penny? so what you bought stuff for it already without a console, sorry thats just stupid if thats how youre putting it
Great news. Best Buy will have a HUGE WII SALE on the 21st of Jan.
plus Target. get there early. and! this Wednesday [for me only i think] there will be wii's at best buy around 8ish but im going at 6.. maybe you should go to Bestbuy and ask them!! Don't WORRY you will eventually get a wii :]
lmao, i cant find a wii either :D but im not worried, idc if i dont have it atm, but Gamestop is supposed to be getting wiis tuesday, i'll check there :lol: the only problem is, when they get shipments, im in school, (10:30) when i get out of school (3:00) they are all gone :mad5: :lol: :mad: :crazy:

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