Ohio School Shooter

Today's society is screwed. Not just America. All over the world. it seems like each generation is becoming more and more corrupt and violent as time passes.

my best wishes to the students.
yeah i heard about this--i live 10 minutes away from the lucky bastards who get school off for like 2 days.
Good to hear that no innocent teachers, faculty, and or students were killed. I believe that people should take more initiative in speaking up if they know of someone who has made threats and or mentioned that they would go on a rampage. What some people fail to realize is that these threats should never be considered jokes considering that it's no joking matter.
Its situations like this that make it hard for any good changes in this world to occur for our generation. When will we stop doing this to each other? Its bad enough enough that we have a war going on overseas where friends and loved ones are dying for our country, but do we really have to have a war going on here,too? I guess for us, its a way of life...but, sometimes it can be down right pointless. If its not to do some GOOD, then why do it? We shouldnt be naieve to it all...but, it does pose a problem as to how some parents maybe raising these kids...at the same time, some parent really arent raising the kids at all. If you know your child's behavior isnt normal and you see them being destructive or doing destructive things, have the common sense to sit down with your child and find out why they are so angry. Why are they behaving in such a manner. Then, help can be given to fix these problems. It makes me so angry when things like this happen..and people talk about what they should and would do, but no action is being taken...how many people have to die or get hurt before a freakin' lightbulb goes off that we have a real problem on our hands that needs solving?:nonod:

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