Official Rate my Team Thread - Due when +500 posts.

My Team

Porygon-Z: Rash Nature Item:Wise Glasses

Ice Beam
Signal Beam

Dusknoir: Naughty Nature Item: Leftovers

shadow punch
Brick Break

Gardevoir: Modest Nature Item: Mind Plate

Energy Ball
Shadow Ball

Metagross: Brave Nature Item: Quick Claw

Zen Headbutt
Brick Break
Meteor Mash

Aerodactyl: Adamant Nature Item: Life Orb

Dragon claw
Iron Head

Glaceon: Modest Nature Item: Iccicle Plate

Shadow Ball
Ice Beam
Mirror Coat
Water Pulse
Hmm... As much as I don't want to, this is my new team I'm currently constructing so meh. I kept in mind past recommendations for my earlier team so yeah...

Electivire - Adament - Life Orb - Motor Drive
EV: 252ATK/252SPD/6HP
Ice Punch
Brick Break

I've been unsure how to lead my team, but I've done quite well with this every time. Ice Punch dragons, brick break dark types, etc. Life Orb pretty much ensures OHKO on most things assuming I get first hit.

Togekiss - Calm - Razor Fang - Serene Grace
Air Slash
Aura Sphere
Shadow Ball
Nasty Plot

I use this just to pop into battle once in a while. It's meant to generally poke at certain Pokemon. I'm unsure about my EV spread though, if I want to flinch, I would want more speed, so yeah. But If I were to stick with this, I guess Aura Sphere would be exchanged for Flamethrower?

Dusknoir - Careful - Leftovers - Pressure
EV: 200HP/92 Attack/109Def/109SPDEF

Will O Wisp
Shadow Sneak
Destiny Bond

Will-O-Wisp to burn, use protect to benefit from Leftovers. Shadow Sneak to fight, and Destiny Bond when necessarily just to mess with my opponent. =3

Ludicolo - Calm - Damp Rock - Rain Dish

Water Pulse
Leech Seed
Rain Dance

My favorite Pokemon of all. Leech Seed first for health benefits. I follow up usually with rain dance assuming I'll last long enough in battle, also helps as a follow up in case my opponent decides to switch out. I'll have rain dance out, and I'll just proceed to Leech Seed again. Toxic if I have to for good measure, and Water Pulse for stab, along with possibility of scoring confusion.

Tangrowth - Impish - Wide Lens - Chlorophyll
EV: 252HP/228DEF/28SPD

Sleep Powder
Power Whip
Leech Seed
Knock Off

If it wasn't for Dusknoir holding Leftovers, this would be holding it. I just don't want to double up on it, doesn't seem right. However Wide Lens does bump up accuracy a little ensuring accurate hits. But anyways, basic knock offer that should tick off anyone who isn't expecting it. Sleep Powder when I have to along with Leech Seed. Yeah I realize that's my second weakness to flying type attacks but meh. I already got the Tangela, and it has really good Iv's in my opinion.

Porygon-Z - Modest - Wise Glasses - Trace
EV: 252Spd/252SPATK/6HP

Signal Beam
Shadow Ball
Tri Attack
Nasty Plot

I think this works. I have trace because I've been breeding forever, and it's the only one with good Iv's [31 in sp attack]. But yeah. Nasty Plot if I have time to work with, otherwise just go on and sweep.
Meganium modest nature
sunny day, solarbeam, grass knot, synthesis
hmm well dont forget that it attack is also very high so a physical attack wouldnt be bad but give it synthwesis because we sunny day it will heal your health fully.
Swampert adament/modest nature
earthquake, stonedge/surf, hammerarm/ice beam, Giga Impact/muddywater/ stealth rock

Swampert is more of a attack pokemon and speed so use physcial moves or special so i can gave a special attack movesert also. But stealth rock and earthquake and really good on swampert just to let you know. Also that nature is yuck raises defense and lowers speed. Try an adament nature if your doing physical moves, and a modeset nature if your doing special attacks. Also dont use hydro oumo its to unaccuract.

Blaziken adament/modest nature
blaze kick, sky uppercut, swords dance, earthquake
dont forget his special attack is also high so if your using special attacks try this moveset
Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Flamethrower, Focus Blast
Also for another attack mvoeset u can try this
Shadow Claw, StoneEdge, Earthquake, Swords Dance
Also that nature isnt to good your nature lowers defense and raises special defense a modeset or adament

Rotom modest nature
shadow ball, thunderbolt, confuse ray, darkpulse I dont think it can learn yawn, and if it could the ioppent would prolly switch out unless you did meanlook. Also thunder is just like hydro pump to unaccruat. Also impish nature? it lowers special attack lol. Try Modest.(i say modest alot lol)

Umbreon gentle nature
healing wish, curse, double team, baton pass

umbreon isnt much of a attacker mroe of a staller or bpasser and this moveset would be good because first use curse it raises defense and attack then use double team but or somtin. Baton pass to somthing with high attack like blaziken or swampert.

Altaria naive nature
earthquake, dragon dance, sky attck, dragon rush
This pokemon has low attack and special attack so the nature would fit it i guess. Also i know dragon rush is pretty unaccurat but its the only physical dragon move it could learn i think.

Im very new at rating teams so firs task someone mreo professinal like chicgoan but i tried my best and also i see you like starters lol. And work on your natures yours wernt to good.

Blake said:
My Team

This team is hard to rate coz i dont have any EV info, but ill guide u.

Porygon-Z: Modest/Timid Nature Item:Wise Glasses
252 special attack/252speed/6Hp

Ice Beam
Signal Beam

This is a good sweeper, that gets boosted special attck with wise glasses. I would take psychic off and replace it with nasty plot, so u can boost ur special attack 2 stages.

Dusknoir: Careful/Impish Nature Item: Leftovers
252 Hp/40 Attack/109 Special defence/109 Defence

Shadow sneak
Will o wisp
Thunder/fire or ice punch
Pain Split

The Evs havent been done properly because if u have an Impish nature put more EVs into Special Defence, and the opposite for Careful. Dusknoir is best used as a tank and its base stats on both defences are high. Thus, ive given u a different moveset to cater for this.

Gardevoir: Modest Nature Item: Mind Plate
252special attack/200special defence/58speed

Energy Ball
Shadow Ball

I wouldnt say the best pokemon to use. As u already have a tunderbolter in ur team, i would replace this with Hypnosis. Make it hold choice spec, to boost its special attack.

Metagross: Adamant Nature Item: Muscle Band
252attack/252Hp/6 defence

Zen Headbutt
Brick Break
Meteor Mash

This would be ultra good if u could get a BP before it to increase its speed before it comes in and mayb its attack also. So basically a Ninjax. Good moveset, but make it hold Muscle band to increase the power of phsical attacks.

Aerodactyl: Adamant/Jolly Nature Item: Life Orb

Stone edge/rock slide
Fire fang

Not bad, just change 2 attacks. Stone edge has a good critical hit ratio, high attack power and utilzes STAB, but for doubles Rock slide attacks both opponets and also makes use of STAB.They both are super effective against flying dragons aswell. I put fire fang because ur team is laking fire moves, so this is just there for type coverage.

Glaceon: Modest Nature Item: Expert belt
252special attack/252defence/6Hp

Shadow Ball
Ice Beam
Mirror Coat
The movepool for glaceaon isnt great but u made great use of it.

Ur team is lacking defencive pokemon, i sugget u think about having a phsical wall (shuckle or fortress) or special wall (blissey) Ur dusknoir acts as a mix wall with the moveset and Evs i gave it

Hope ive helpped
lucario lonely fist plate inner focus
lv 46
quick attack
close combat
aura sphere
att136 def69 spatk126 spdef85 speed121 hp137

empoleon sassy none torent
att89 def96 spatk117 spdef118 speed 59 hp136

gorchomp gentle none sand veil
dragon claw
att150 def91 spatk87 spdef97 speed128 hp 166

staraptor hardy none intimidate
lv 46
aerial ace
att126 def 77 spatt61 spdef57 speed119 hp139

after i beat the elite four i am goin to take out staaptor and put girantina and umbreon
rate my team
bballplayermaster said:
lucario lonely fist plate inner focus
lv 46
quick attack
close combat
aura sphere
att136 def69 spatk126 spdef85 speed121 hp137

empoleon sassy none torent
att89 def96 spatk117 spdef118 speed 59 hp136

gorchomp gentle none sand veil
dragon claw
att150 def91 spatk87 spdef97 speed128 hp 166

staraptor hardy none intimidate
lv 46
aerial ace
att126 def 77 spatt61 spdef57 speed119 hp139

after i beat the elite four i am goin to take out staaptor and put girantina and umbreon
rate my team
You chouldn't use giratina because most ppl don't like legends and your empoleon has a very bad moveset you should take out pound!!!!also peck! staraptor is very weak and can easily be deafeted my 1 thunderbolt. Lucarios quick attack isn't very handy either. and you only have four pokemon.....Garchomp is pretty good. I rate it a 2/10(sorry)
oops and my luxay lv49
lonely none rivalry
att 155 def 90 spa119 spd93 speed101 hp 145
tackle -sucks i kno
Slimi said:
You chouldn't use giratina because most ppl don't like legends and your empoleon has a very bad moveset you should take out pound!!!!also peck! staraptor is very weak and can easily be deafeted my 1 thunderbolt. Lucarios quick attack isn't very handy either. and you only have four pokemon.....Garchomp is pretty good. I rate it a 2/10(sorry)
I highly doubt that it's a team for competitive play... But anyways...
bballplayermaster said:
oops and my luxay lv49
lonely none rivalry
att 155 def 90 spa119 spd93 speed101 hp 145
tackle -sucks i kno
ok yes, why didn't you delete tackle??? Ok I boost it 3/10, but wheres your sixth pokemon?
Ayo said:
Ur team is lacking defencive pokemon, i sugget u think about having a phsical wall (shuckle or fortress) or special wall (blissey) Ur dusknoir acts as a mix wall with the moveset and Evs i gave it

Hope ive helpped

thanks most of those are fully ev trained the only one thats not is dusknoir
i was thinking about a blissey
Sorry if this is unnecessary, but just like deadlydasher i'd appreciate an evaluation =P

Electivire - Adament - Life Orb - Motor Drive
EV: 252ATK/252SPD/6HP
Ice Punch
Brick Break

I've been unsure how to lead my team, but I've done quite well with this every time. Ice Punch dragons, brick break dark types, etc. Life Orb pretty much ensures OHKO on most things assuming I get first hit.

Togekiss - Calm - Razor Fang - Serene Grace
Air Slash
Aura Sphere
Shadow Ball
Nasty Plot

I use this just to pop into battle once in a while. It's meant to generally poke at certain Pokemon. I'm unsure about my EV spread though, if I want to flinch, I would want more speed, so yeah. But If I were to stick with this, I guess Aura Sphere would be exchanged for Flamethrower?

Dusknoir - Careful - Leftovers - Pressure
EV: 200HP/92 Attack/109Def/109SPDEF

Will O Wisp
Shadow Sneak
Destiny Bond

Will-O-Wisp to burn, use protect to benefit from Leftovers. Shadow Sneak to fight, and Destiny Bond when necessarily just to mess with my opponent. =3

Ludicolo - Calm - Damp Rock - Rain Dish

Water Pulse
Leech Seed
Rain Dance

My favorite Pokemon of all. Leech Seed first for health benefits. I follow up usually with rain dance assuming I'll last long enough in battle, also helps as a follow up in case my opponent decides to switch out. I'll have rain dance out, and I'll just proceed to Leech Seed again. Toxic if I have to for good measure, and Water Pulse for stab, along with possibility of scoring confusion.

Tangrowth - Impish - Wide Lens - Chlorophyll
EV: 252HP/228DEF/28SPD

Sleep Powder
Power Whip
Leech Seed
Knock Off

If it wasn't for Dusknoir holding Leftovers, this would be holding it. I just don't want to double up on it, doesn't seem right. However Wide Lens does bump up accuracy a little ensuring accurate hits. But anyways, basic knock offer that should tick off anyone who isn't expecting it. Sleep Powder when I have to along with Leech Seed. Yeah I realize that's my second weakness to flying type attacks but meh. I already got the Tangela, and it has really good Iv's in my opinion.

Porygon-Z - Modest - Wise Glasses - Trace
EV: 252Spd/252SPATK/6HP

Signal Beam
Shadow Ball
Tri Attack
Nasty Plot

I think this works. I have trace because I've been breeding forever, and it's the only one with good Iv's [31 in sp attack]. But yeah. Nasty Plot if I have time to work with, otherwise just go on and sweep.

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