Official Q & A Thread

where is the best place to ev train a gabite? and i am ev training a weavile and his stats are goin up by 4s,5s,and 6's. so what will his stats be when he is 100?
iRAWR said:
whos the best speed, ev trainer, is it that tuxedo luxio guy near the last gym?

Fisherman Andrew, just outside eterna forest on the bridge, he is in the middle.
He has 6 magicarp, with the speed power item, and pkrs, that is 60 speed ev's for each time you beat the snot out of him
no, the best place is west of eterna city... beat the guy with 6 magikarps (ur pkmn should have power bracer and pkrs)
for 60 speed evs.
well i like to train at snowpoint temple. i will train there now. you desever reppy pokechamp but you ignored me. oh well.....
PokeChamp said:
no, the best place is west of eterna city... beat the guy with 6 magikarps (ur pkmn should have power bracer and pkrs)
for 60 speed evs.
That is fisherman Andrew, its the same person.
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A question about this site:

Why there were so many threads erased, I mean there were some useful threads that were erased (the pokemon you like, the pokemon you hate, some tourneys, etc)... WHY???????????
Well I believe the mods deleted some of them threads because they thought they were getting spammed, and going a bit off topic. However, they hav keep the official (coz they are officials) and I suppose so new threads can start again.

Remember the mods are keeping an eye on the activity in this forum, and they are contemplating if this sub forum should stay or not. If we cut the spam then i am sure they will keep it.
Ayo said:
Well I believe the mods deleted some of them threads because they thought they were getting spammed, and going a bit off topic. However, they hav keep the official (coz they are officials) and I suppose so new threads can start again.

Remember the mods are keeping an eye on the activity in this forum, and they are contemplating if this sub forum should stay or not. If we cut the spam then i am sure they will keep it.

Thanks Ayo, now, maybe you should delete your tourney thread and start another one again.
I cant delete threads I am not a mod, the mods have decided to keep them so i am unable to delete them. I am aware that after my tourneys are over they will close the threads to stop people from spamming on it and to keep it as a reminder of whos won and such and such.

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