Official Mario Strikers Us Friends Code Exchange

What's up all my Wii peeps. I just picked up MSC from best buy last night and find it very, very entertaining. Now, I'm looking to add some friends to play with. I'm not a pro yet by any means so looking for some beginners as well.
If you are looking to add some friends to play with, let me know. You can add me if you'd like, just send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE letting me know you added me as well.
Happy Striking !!
Band I added you

If anyone wants to play my MSC friend code is 184804 727410
My online Mii name is ImaNoob

PM me if you add me
Looking for friends

just looking for people for a game of mario strikes

my code is 197690 056425

add me

I added everyone above me

So add me please!

My code: 240639-655278
Mario Strikers Challenges

What up everyone -- Awesome to have so many out there enjoying this kicka$$ game.

If you're looking for a challenge (i'm okay, getting better) let me know -

Wii Console Number: 1688 3139 7601 6825
Mario Strikers FC: 446798 219952
i got the game today.

my friend code 124676 291536

i will add everyone on this page and if you add me let me know with a pm and ill add you to. .
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History of Mario

The birth
In 1980, Nintendo of America (NOA) released Radar Scope, an arcade game they hoped would kickstart a long reign of success. It flopped, leaving Nintendo stuck with 2,000 unsold Radar Scope units. To stay afloat, NOA desperately needed a smash-hit game—and fast. Hiroshi Yamauchi, the president and CEO of Nintendo Co., Ltd. at the time, asked staff artist Shigeru Miyamoto to design a new game based on his own ideas. The result was a game entitled Donkey Kong, starring "Jumpman," a portly carpenter clad in red and blue. "Jumpman" did not have his name for very long, however. NOA had to prepare the game for American release, which included naming the characters. As the story goes, they were mulling over what to name Jumpman when the landlord, Mario Segale, arrived at the warehouse, demanding the overdue rent payment. When he left, the staff had a new name for Jumpman: "Mario."

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