Official Mario Strikers Us Friends Code Exchange

DK rulezzz said:
I will play Jorge. I will probably beat u since this week i am 63-4

Fine then add my msc fc which is on my sign, i already added u. Oh and tell me your mii name, mines is Jorge.
my strikers fc is: 077417-861372

please pm me and add me. im sooo bored right now.
Atomheart said:
I'm looking for Strikers friends, just in the US, I guess since it's region locked, right?

Here's my FC for Strikers:

004401 582690

Please post yours if you'd like to destroy you. Or maybe the other way around; I don't know. Yeah, probably the latter.

If it's region locked then people all around North America should be able to put their friend codes

PS: Sorry in advance if someone's already pointed this out, because I've just found the thread
Please add me guys! I'm gonna try and add as many people as I can from this list. 485448 128460
hello everybody, add me, my fc is :5851 1074 1156 6191
are ther some war wifi game or something like that?
Hi all, I have Super Mario Strikers Charged and I want to play online. I you wish please add me as a friend on your Wii. My friend code for the game is 047362-829340

Please PM me if you add me so I can do the same. Thanks
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Ivanovichi said:
hello everybody, add me, my fc is :5851 1074 1156 6191
are ther some war wifi game or something like that?

Not sure what you mean buddy, but welcome to Wiichat?

Add me if you want yall, I'll be glad to hit the field with you sometime.

i want friends on Mario Strikers Charged to play against for fun.

MSC code = 120376 965740

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