Official Mario Strikers Us Friends Code Exchange

ok, I'm pretty knew to this Wii Friend Code thing, so who ever wants to help out this newb? ^_^

Where do I go to find my 16 digit wii code? The only code I can find is my FC for Mario Strikers Charged. Which by the way, if you live in the US. please add me cause I need some friends = )

My FC code is 403836 272289 Just let me know that you're adding me so I can add you.

My AIM is MaverickSSBM, if someone could talk to me about the 16 digit wii code that would be great. Thanks ^_^
1up Wolf said:
ok, I'm pretty knew to this Wii Friend Code thing, so who ever wants to help out this newb? ^_^

Where do I go to find my 16 digit wii code? The only code I can find is my FC for Mario Strikers Charged. Which by the way, if you live in the US. please add me cause I need some friends = )

My FC code is 403836 272289 Just let me know that you're adding me so I can add you.

My AIM is MaverickSSBM, if someone could talk to me about the 16 digit wii code that would be great. Thanks ^_^
You can find your Wii Friend Code by going to your Address Book and click the - button on your Wii Remote. Your Wii Friend Code will be displayed there.
Also, have fun playing Mario Strikers. :)
I'm on the main screen for the Wii at the moment, and I'm looking around for the address book. Where would that be?

EDIT: Just found it, thank you very much
jus learning how to play other people online so here is my info for mario strikers charged.

online code: 0896696742481797
friend code: 292170167268
mii name: mrs.mess
wii name: giggles

please add me im bored!
I'm finally online and now you can take me to school!

Big O

I am on eastern time from midnight until I get too drunk to play. I would love to play any of you guys anytime!
I added BigORhyme, Mrs. Mess, and Scotia4444 to my list. If either of you haven't added my code yet, add it so we can be strikers friends ^_^
im bored, ide be willing to play anyone who is interested, pm me if youde like

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