XCOM why do you watch every replay twice its so annoying thats why i quit u score in the worst possible way and watch every replay sorry it takes way to long... just keep hitting A who cares about the replay its a video game
so what if he wants to watch the goals? maybe he likes them because they were cool and impossible almost...but if they were cheap, like Toad jumping over the goalie or some coward moves like those, then I agree.
what up peeps add me msc fc 408129109392 think u can win(probably can) lol p.s. i really dont watch the replays either unless im busy pm me if u add melt
Ok here is my code, i dont care who adds me, im from the US ( i beleive the game is region locked) if you add me pm me with your code, because i will not be looking back at this post, hehe, add me, i want as many freinds as possible:
Strikers Code:
382359 592594
also, i whould also prefer that you add me to your wii freinds list to, add that also if you want. mine is on my profile side