Official 'I got a Wii' thread

i never actually wanted a wii, i took a ride to toysrus with my g/f and i just happen to have my credit card lol, we get to the games section and BAM i see 3 behind the glass so i figured "what the hell" and bought it lol
hey guys.
first post here at wii chat!
finally got my wii.
had to wait outside of best buy for 9 hours in the freezing weather!
but it was worth it!
ello wii chat! (im new) =)

Anyway, I got my Wii on Dec 2nd.

I did not think i was going to have a wii at all until my mom said she would by it for me IF i could find one. On Dec 1st my relitive (who works at Best Buy) told me they were going to have 16+ in the morning. I woke up at 6am to start out for the store I took my firend with so he could grab one for my mom's friend who wanted to buy one for her kids. Anywho we got there at 6:30 an waited behind around 14-18 people (I was a bit scared). At 8 o'clock; A store worker came out and said "We have 18 Wiis today thats it! so number 18, wave at person 19 so that 19 and up will go home" (cranky?). after he went back inside a man (from the line) counted the 18 lucky people. My friend was 17 and I was 18! :D.

At 7:30 they handed out vouchers and candy; telling us to come back at 9:30 to pic up the Wiis.

I got Wii play (at first only for the wiimote, but soon fell in love with the games), and Soul Calibur.

I must say i have been a huge die-hard fun of the X-Box 360 (played my friends when he was out-of-town), but after playing Wii Sports, Wii Play and SC. Im drifting to the wii side.

P.S. for SC:l winning a 6/10 I would personaly give it an 8 :)
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Had mine..

I've had mine since March of this year. Got it at USA Discounters, sort of like a Rent-a-Center, ending up paying $600 for it, but I didn't have to wait in any 14 hour lines, camp through the night, or scavenge the earth for mine.
My Wii

When i got my wii i was so excited! i wouldn't stop playing. the thing that bugs me about the wii though is those stupid error codes like: 050045 and craplike that! LOL:sick:
The Wii really interest me becuase it gets people who've never played a gamming system to get involved and get gaming. So do you think that your dad will continue to play when you're not around?
I keep getting one and trying to sell it. I got lucky and bought 3 on Amazon. First one came in, and I sold it on craigslist. Second one comes in and I stick it on Ebay. Third one comes in and my finger started slipped and listed it on Ebay as well.

Oh well...I'll get a Wii for myself one day...when I can afford to keep one.
I havn't got one... YET. I just won one on EBay, after ages of searching for one that doesn't have to be paid by Paypal, as my account doesn't work at the moment... Havn't payed for it yet, but I'll send a cheque out on Monday... I can't wait!
Sofmed said:
I keep getting one and trying to sell it. I got lucky and bought 3 on Amazon. First one came in, and I sold it on craigslist. Second one comes in and I stick it on Ebay. Third one comes in and my finger started slipped and listed it on Ebay as well.

Oh well...I'll get a Wii for myself one day...when I can afford to keep one.

You're a piece of trash. People like you are the reason why no one can find them in stores.

Flippers like you are the *only* reason they're not in stores. over 18,000 Wii console auctions a day, roughly 1/2 ending each day. Some 9,000 sold, a day, all at grossly inflated prices.

You're a rotten human being.
Pure luck of the time

My mom was just walking 'round Wal-Mart and the ony way I got my Wii was because she saw it standing there... all alone ready to be fought over with. I was twelve at the time (13 now) so I was in school at the time, oblivious to the fact that when I would walk into my room after school, it would be standing there, extraordinarily on my desk. Like I say, pure luck of the time!

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