Official 'I got a Wii' thread

pre-ordered my Wii a month and a half ago. went down after college at about 1 in the afternoon on launch day and got it :) simple.

i'm so chuffed with it, i just can't bring myself to turn the little darling off ^ ^
i got a wii the first day. I waited since 5 in the morning for best buy to open. not that many people showed up at first, but at the last minute about 50 people showed up, it was nuts. But i dont think they even sold out of consoles that day, they had a lotttt
Wanted to drop a line and say howdy!

I got my Wii by standing outside of a Target from 6:00AM till they handed out tickets for the first 42 people in line (I was #5). That was a week ago today. I have had a blast with Wii sports and I bought Splinter Cell -- which I am loving more and more by the day.

i hate tennis!!!! golf is good bowling is fun and base ball mm yeah but boxing is also great especially with a first round knockout
Finally got a Wii after weeks of looking. Love it. Tried for a PS3 but that didn't work out. I love to play with my Wii.
I got a Wii! :)

Currently enjoying Zelda and wishing I could find a copy of Wii Play in the stores... or another Wiimote/Nunchuck for that matter.

btw, my first post here so hi to everyone.
How can you hate Tennis Moloc :p I actually did not like it first either, then i played the trainning mode and did tennis and started to love it, then when i play on multiplayer with it, its really great!

and Hey everyone else thats new :)
Amazon are the best...

Pre-ordered mine from Amazon and they delivered it on the 8th. Didnt even need to leave the comforts of my chair. Very pleased with it.......
Got mine on the 8th, pre-order from game (oxford street). :cornut:
OMGZOR Wiired has officially got his Wii! :D :D Woo I'm so hyped :D Got in from school at 4, my Dad told me I got my Wii AND Wii Play, was well excited. Then played around with box and stuff, and set it up, took til about 4:45? Then for like an hour we were trying to figure out how to tune it in (in which I had a lot of doubt it was going to work) in which I found out I just had to set the TV to 'Scart' so it would work :lol: then I made my Mii and played Wii Tennis first (game I've been wanting to play since I heard of the Wii) and it was great :lol: Then my Mum made one, then she played Tennis, then the same for my Dad, in which I then played them again bowling, and they beat me :D :lol: but yeah, I've had about 3 hours of playing, played every game on Wii Sports, but not Wii Play yet, and I can't wait til tomorrow after school :D Fin.

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