i got a wii the first day. I waited since 5 in the morning for best buy to open. not that many people showed up at first, but at the last minute about 50 people showed up, it was nuts. But i dont think they even sold out of consoles that day, they had a lotttt
I got my Wii by standing outside of a Target from 6:00AM till they handed out tickets for the first 42 people in line (I was #5). That was a week ago today. I have had a blast with Wii sports and I bought Splinter Cell -- which I am loving more and more by the day.
How can you hate Tennis Moloc I actually did not like it first either, then i played the trainning mode and did tennis and started to love it, then when i play on multiplayer with it, its really great!
OMGZOR Wiired has officially got his Wii! Woo I'm so hyped Got in from school at 4, my Dad told me I got my Wii AND Wii Play, was well excited. Then played around with box and stuff, and set it up, took til about 4:45? Then for like an hour we were trying to figure out how to tune it in (in which I had a lot of doubt it was going to work) in which I found out I just had to set the TV to 'Scart' so it would work :lol: then I made my Mii and played Wii Tennis first (game I've been wanting to play since I heard of the Wii) and it was great :lol: Then my Mum made one, then she played Tennis, then the same for my Dad, in which I then played them again bowling, and they beat me :lol: but yeah, I've had about 3 hours of playing, played every game on Wii Sports, but not Wii Play yet, and I can't wait til tomorrow after school Fin.