Official 'I got a Wii' thread

Matt90 said:
I've had my Wii for a little over a month (can't remeber the day I got it exactly), already played through TP with 61 hours, with all 20 hearts and 47 poe souls, caught all the fish, and retrieved every item. I also have ultimate Alliance (in Asgard) and COD:3 (beaten)

i didn't know that playing games was a race. On the other hand, I will take my time and enjoy something that will last a while till the next gen comes out
Finally got my Wii last week. I missed the launch here by a few days. I can't speak the local language so I'm pretty ignorant of the local news. Anyway, I was able to put in my reservation and was 156 on the waiting list. Fortunately, there were enough units in this 2nd batch so I got one.

It's great! I got it mainly for the kids and I'm really happy that even our 3 year old can play. We had another family visit us last night and they (parents and kids) all had fun. I'm looking forward to my wife's birthday party next week when we'll be able to share this new 'toy' with other friends.

This is definitely THE game console for non-gamers. It's simply great fun for everyone!

By the way, I think Nintendo should start paying me for all the free publicity and marketing I'm doing at my home. :)
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You guys probably know about that Sunday Jan 20 shipment. Well, I don't live in the US, but where I'm at there are piles of Wiis everywhere! Not that many PS3s, but that's because the stores don't carry them, because they don't sell!

Anyway, I called my brother-in-law and asked him, "How far to your nearest Best Buy or Target?"

"About 10 minutes away."

"Alright, it's 9:50AM, get your ass over to one of those stores by 10AM and ask if they have any Wiis."

"OK, be back in an hour."

An hour passed, while I was next to my Skype like some sick prom reject waiting for a date. Finally, he rang back.

"Got your Wii." Stoked! "Mind if I try it out?"

Well, he did, said it was fun, and was sore and worked up a sweat after one hour of playing Wii Sports.

It's being FedEx'd now, and hopefully I will receive it this weekend. Can't wait!
I got me Wii @ best buy in the eaton centre, in toronto they had abou 30 left n i got 3 of me, me dad, n me sis, all got one, we sold them except 1 4 $500x2 (two Wiis) n know all me freinds got one.
Got mine January 10, just getting online now.
pure luck i got mine. I went to a walmart mc'ds for lunch on a payday. went to electronics for a xbox360, and caught the employee unloading a new box of wiis, and BAM! The rest is history.
Snagged Marvel Ultimate Alliance with it. Got Twilight Princess last week.

Add me and email for me to add u.
Haha so funny story, I know nothing about this Wii thing. I mean OBVIOUSLY I had herd of it but I really know nothing about gaming systems. Anywho I walk into wal-mart and there are 4 on the shelf (joys of a small town I guess). Well I decided since I have a couple weeks off I would buy one to keep me busy. Don’t have much figured out but it is a lot of fun!!! I thought it was pretty lucky to walk in and they were just there… they sold out in less then 15 min too haha.
got mine from gamestation near where i live in the uk, they had a few for sale, so i thought what the hell i'll treat the kids, LOL the kids can't get near it. the package deal tempted me for my £269 i got a wii, wii-sports, , wii-play, ray mn, and monkey ball.
I have also recieved a wii! Though it was a while ago, but I never told anyone! I GOT A WII!!!!!!!!!

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