Official 'I got a Wii' thread

Haven't gotten one yet, but going to pick mine up hopefully this Sunday.
Also picking up a copy of Twilight Princess while I'm at it, I played and beat it for the GCN but I'd like to have it for the Wii just for an excuse to run through it again. Also thinking of getting Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2.
i got mine, and purchased Mario Wii, Wii Sports Resorts and PunchOut
several days later I added Mario Kart Wii
and bargain for a never been used Wii Sports and got bad luck! my wii can't read the Wii Sports disc and I live outside US, sigh...
I traded my 360 for a Wii from a family friend that owns a pawnshop. I'm more of a casual gamer than a hardcore gamer. So Wii is better for me. I got it yesterday and I ALREADY love it. I like games like Mario, etc. Games I got with it are...
-WII Sports
-Just Dance
-Tiger Woods Golf
-MX vs. ATV Untamed.
a couple of which were never opened.

I also downloaded the original Donkey Kong and have 1500 Wii Points left. Which I'd looked for for my NES for about 2 years.

So recs for wiiware or virtual console would be nice. I don't want to waste the rest of my points. Over the years ive played games like Mario, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Guitar Hero and the other various "music" genre games. and for DS pokemon fire red, brain age, and wedding dash. So that gives you a little bit of background on my game tastes.
I traded my 360 for a Wii from a family friend that owns a pawnshop. I'm more of a casual gamer than a hardcore gamer. So Wii is better for me. I got it yesterday and I ALREADY love it. I like games like Mario, etc. Games I got with it are...
-WII Sports
-Just Dance
-Tiger Woods Golf
-MX vs. ATV Untamed.
a couple of which were never opened.

I also downloaded the original Donkey Kong and have 1500 Wii Points left. Which I'd looked for for my NES for about 2 years.

So recs for wiiware or virtual console would be nice. I don't want to waste the rest of my points. Over the years ive played games like Mario, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Guitar Hero and the other various "music" genre games. and for DS pokemon fire red, brain age, and wedding dash. So that gives you a little bit of background on my game tastes.

Retro games = FTW!!1! I like music games too. Greenday Rockband will be the BEST. I got my wii 2 years ago and I'm slightly angry. Because I got a
-White Wii
-One Wiimote and Nunchuck
-Wii sports
all for $250

Now they have a
-Black OR White Wii
- Black or White Wiimote and Nunchuck
- Wiimote skins
-Wiimotion plus
- Wii sports, and Wii Sports Resort
All for $199 :(
Anyway, I like RPG games, shooters, and FREE ROAM is my favee. :lovewii:
Tell me about it...

Hey guys,

Sorry to be a big party pooper but I'm useless with games/gaming consoles. Am planning to get one for my little brother's graduation though. Thought of the Wii. Think he's a pretty hardcore gamer though. Will he like the Wii you think?
Wife and I talked off and on half-heartedly about getting a gaming console. We have a soon to be 12 year old girl and a 3 year old girl. I like PC games, but finally figured it was time to get them something they all could enjoy. The new black edition Wii came out just recently so I'm happy we accidentally waited this long to buy. The thing is beautiful and the game package and controller upgrades are worth the $200.

I also wanted to say that I'm impressed at the range of games already available for the Wii. Lot's of kids games as well as the Call of Duty for the adults. Graphics are kind of old school blocky or straight non-difining lines, but the colors and speed of the system make for beautiful and beleiveable games. Thanks Nintendo, J
I got a wii for christmas 2 christmases ago
Im 14 now, and im more intrested in Call of duty than some games
Although these games are great there are a few dissapointment
I got pokemon battle revoulution a long time ago, beat it in 2 hours, and found it to be the rubbishest game ever, sorry nintendo, but give us a fully fledged Pokmon 3d rpg on wii.
WiiFit is a good excuse for a gaming console

I don't think my wife would have allowed me to get a gaming console if it weren't for the WiiFit. Now she uses the WiiFit and the balance board, and I use the Wii for gaming (when she's not insisting that I exercise as well). It is also a nice platform for web surfing, as it isn't as prone to viruses as a Windows PC. I wish it could handle Flash better though.

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