Official How to Unlock Thread

You unlock Jigglypuff by completing one of the Challenges, I think it is number nine or 10...
Subarnu said:
You unlock Jigglypuff by completing one of the Challenges, I think it is number nine or 10...
Ok this is how you unlock jigglypuff if you beat al lthe events before you beat SSE
Pick any event
Pause the game and quit it
And it will say new challenger approching
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Oh I got her/him by doing one of the challenges but it was after I beat SSE
i have noo clue how i unlocked sonic or ganondorf, cuz i didnt get either of them via SSE, and i dont have enough VS matches even now to unlock either of them =S
what did you do b4 you unlocked them
if you played classic with 10 differnet people you face sonic then beat um
then if u beat classic or very hard with link you face gandorf and beat him
hope it could help
no, i was just playin VS matches, and rite now i dont even have enough to have either one of them unlocked
Subarnu said:
nice, how are you liking Ganondorf?

not very much to be honest, his moveset is a lot better and cooler looking than melee, but i suck with him :(
13ofHEARTS said:
either beat classic twice on very hard, or once on intense
I beat very hard and got it and i only played very hard once
(Thats also how I unlocked gandorf)
Does anyone know where the cutsecne for jigggypuff is in subspace
I already finished my roster but i just want to see the cutsence in american version i saw the jappense one but it just goes right to the thing it doesnt tell you like where to go for like
toon link-forset
wolf-the ruins
I got Jigglypuff by doing one of the challenges, if you beat SSE then go play/beat a challenge and you will face him/her
jigglypuff is in the swamp level, at that part with all the barrel cannon things

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