Official How to Unlock Thread

ROB64 said:
how do i unlock toon link?
i read that i just have to finish classical mode with link, but it doesnt work
i think you have to finish on normal hard or intense
or hard or intense idk something like that
I've must've played this stage over 20 times and nothing. You guys sure that source is right?
hoogasian5 said:
play on snakes stage 10 times

What do you mean by play on his stage 10 times, how do you do that? Can you choose his stage or is it just when you play classic mode?
You can choose his stage called "Shadow Moses Island". I'm guessing your supposed to play there 15 times to face of Snake to unlock him, but I've had no luck so far.
I beat the classic mode with Link but the weird thing is i didnt get Toon Link at all but instead i got Luigi and his stage too since i beat it without using continues.. any help on getting toon link guys??
I thought it was if yoou beat classic or hard or intense or was it normal hard or intense idk actually ill check right now this guy on youtube posted how to unlock all the charcaters the real way
Sorry for Double Post But Here How To Unlock all the Fighters THE REAL WAY
Ness-Play 5 Matches in Brawl. Then Defeat Ness
Meet Ness in SSE
Marth-Beat Classic Mode with any charcter and diffulty and then Defeat Marth.
Play 10 Brawls then Deafeat marth
Luigi-Finish Classic Mode without Contiuning Then Beat Luigi (If you mess up do it over
Play 22 Brawls then Defeat
Falco-Play 100 Man Brawl then Defeat
Play 50 Brawl Matches then Defeat
Captin Faclon
Beat Classic Mode in under 12 minutes or less then defeat (If you mess up do it over
Play 70 matches in brawl then defeat
Snake-Play 15 Matches on Shadow Mosses then defeat
Play 100 matches in brawl then defeat
Sonic-Comple classic mode with 10 differnt charcters then defeat
Play 300 matches in brawl then defeat
Or Beat SSE Not 100%
Luarcio-Complete 5 Target Tests with one fighter then defeat
Play 100 mkatches in brawl
Rob-Collect 250 differnt Trophies then defeat
Play 160 matches in brawl then defeat
Gandorf-Beat Classic Mode on Hard then Defeat
Play 200 brawl matches then defeat
Mr.Game and Watch-Beat Classic With every charcter then defeat
Play 250 brawl matches
Jiggypuff-0omplete Event #20 then defeat
Play 350 matches then defeat (brawl) then defeat
Toon Link
Beat Classic Mode with link then defeat toon link
plau 400 matches in brawl
Wolf COmple boss rush with fox then defeat
play 450 matches then defeat
Toon Link
Beat Classic Mode with link then defeat toon link

I just did that and nothing happened and i only got luigi instead since i didnt die or use no continues like i said... its prolly in the SSE Mode to get him.

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