Official Guitar Hero Friend Code Thread

I have GHWT and I have noone to play with. I play expert guitar and don't have the other instruments for it. If you want to either form a band or play against me, my number is in my sig. Please add me and private message me if and/or when you do.
now that i think about it, we should make bands of GH and play band vs band :D
Hey guys.
I've added a lot of codes from you. Hope you add me.
I play mostly drums on expert, and sometimes my brother joins me on bass and vocals...

My GH:M fc is: 1935-5708-4770

I'll post some of my fc's for other games soon.

Greetings, from Chile.
Hey i have GHWT and GH3, willing to play Co-op career on WT with anyone really.. I play Guitar and Bass (Also vocals) on expert but dont really want to play vocals today..

If you want to play add me, my WT FC is 378221046622

Quote my reply telling me you added me and put your FC so i can add you :) thanks
Wanting to play GH5
Add me and tell me please
My Wii friend code that is the same for GH5 is:
hey mi codigo de amigo es 6065 8157 4588 8985 mis juegos son gh, rock band, y mario k

[Quote = GC8; 714095] mi código es 146143631287

pm me si agrega mí [/ quote]
Hey a todos aquellos q quieran jugar conmigo guitar hero, (sh, wt, wor, metallica y band hero), rock band (2, green day, y the beatles) ademas de mario kard este es mi codigo de wii 6065 8157 4588 8985 o si quieren agreguenme en messenger a para tener mejor comunicacion y darles + facil mis codigos de amigo
pasenme sus codigos de wii

Código de wii/guitar hero warriors of rock/band hero: 6065 8157 4588 8985
Nombre: Master/knights of rock/poisonous pop guns
Código de green day rock band: 3027 2557 6968
Nombre: Green day 16
Código de guitar hero metallica: 4555 4739 5719
Nombre: metallica jr.
Código de guitar hero world tour: 0174 6080 5273
Nombre: galaxer match
Código de guitar hero smash hits: 1377 2651 6913
Nombre: rock skulls
Código de rock band the Beatles: 4592 6566 1779
Nombre: beat16sboys
Código de rock band 2: 3551 2566 7167
Nombre: Miwel
Código de Mario kart wii: 0775 9041 6011
PD: tengo canciones descargadas como:
Gotas de agua duce, yerbatero, All my life, best of you, the pretender, talk dirty to me, black hole sun, feel good inc, all small things, wonderwall, know your enemy, last of the American girls, 21 guns, poker face version south park, las 20 canciones gratis de rock band 2, ect, etc.
Juego en expert en guitarra/bajo/voces y medio/hard/expert en bateria
Mi correo es
O en facebook bajo el nombre de miguel angel Villafaña Serret.

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