Official Graphics Comments & Criticism

demonflair said:
Oh EM Geeee!!!!! It really IS 3D!!!!!1111

@Pras, yeah, if you need a picture to come to life, I can do something for ya. :smilewinkgrin:

@Ryan, damn dude, your style looks like it comes from tutorials or something. Like I said before, you need a different style, other than using C4Ds. That one with the twirls is different, even though that style is already whored.

@Monsteroids, that's a nice cartoon character. You should add more characters to that image (obsiously with a bigger canvas), it'll do a sweet composition.

Thanks for the advice XD
Sig I made for a request, only difference between the two is the border:



Any thoughts, or suggestions for improvement?
Darkprinny said:
A new sig
By request

Ive been ponderin -
Why do people make still sigs ?

For those that didnt see it
Mine allways seem to be at the bottom of the page
@ Prinny: So that movement doesn't distract the eye from the techniques used.
Gikoku said:
Sig I made for a request, only difference between the two is the border:



Any thoughts, or suggestions for improvement?
I don't like the effects on the render, though it would be pretty boring without it. Background is pretty dull, and all the spots kind of make it look...meh. Advice on glowing dots, never just slap them all over your sig. Use them to enhance the flow of yours sig, they can also really help bring the light/dark contrast in your sig...

...Speaking of lighting, it's not there. Your sig is pretty vibrant all around, but from what I can tell, it looks like the light source is at the top right. Try working on that using brushing and the burn/dodge tools. Now for depth. It's very flat. Learn to blur your background and sharpen your focals to get good depth. Lastly, colors. Green and light green wasn't the best choice. :) It wouldn't be so bad if the whole sig wasn't engulfed in light, but it is. I'm not going to go any further then that due to the fact that I'm bias against green. :p

So in a nutshell, work on...
  • Render effects; use them very wisely, read some tutorials on effectively smudging your renders
  • Background; spice it up
  • Foreground effects; the spots
  • Flow; makes your sig 1000x times better
  • Lighting; a must have, make sure you don't make it too light or too dark, but you have to have it. Also pay attention to where the light is coming from, you need to have your light source in the correct position
  • Depth; "Filter > Gaussian Blur" & "Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen" are your friends
  • Colors; this simply comes with time/experience. It's hard to get the right colors sometimes.

Notes: Though I'm not a fan of vertical text, it's really not bad, neither is the border. Those small, small things are actually some of the most important parts of your piece as they highlight your actual work. Nicely done.


Sneaux125 said:
3 new ones -





I don't think I posted these yet, although I might've :sick:

If not, c/c
I don't like the 1st at all, sorry.

2nd one is better, but it doesn't appear that there's a focal. Well done with the lighting, however.

3rd one...well, the only effect in this is smudging, and tbh, it looks bad. Did you use an "X" brush? If so, bad choice tbh. It wouldn't have been bad if you followed it up with a different smudging technique, but...yeah. Not the best. Not too fond of the text either.

^^ Sorry on the poor C&C.
Last edited:
ssbb_lover said:
I don't like the effects on the render, though it would be pretty boring without it. Background is pretty dull, and all the spots kind of make it look...meh. Advice on glowing dots, never just slap them all over your sig. Use them to enhance the flow of yours sig, they can also really help bring the light/dark contrast in your sig...

...Speaking of lighting, it's not there. Your sig is pretty vibrant all around, but from what I can tell, it looks like the light source is at the top right. Try working on that using brushing and the burn/dodge tools. Now for depth. It's very flat. Learn to blur your background and sharpen your focals to get good depth. Lastly, colors. Green and light green wasn't the best choice. :) It wouldn't be so bad if the whole sig wasn't engulfed in light, but it is. I'm not going to go any further then that due to the fact that I'm bias against green. :p

So in a nutshell, work on...
  • Render effects; use them very wisely, read some tutorials on effectively smudging your renders
  • Background; spice it up
  • Foreground effects; the spots
  • Flow; makes your sig 1000x times better
  • Lighting; a must have, make sure you don't make it too light or too dark, but you have to have it. Also pay attention to where the light is coming from, you need to have your light source in the correct position
  • Depth; "Filter > Gaussian Blur" & "Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen" are your friends
  • Colors; this simply comes with time/experience. It's hard to get the right colors sometimes.

Notes: Though I'm not a fan of vertical text, it's really not bad, neither is the border. Those small, small things are actually some of the most important parts of your piece as they highlight your actual work. Nicely done.

:) Thanks for the feedback, Tyler. I'll try out your suggestions, the more I keep looking at the sig over and over again, the more I'm seeing what you mean on what needs to be fixed. I held back on other techniques that I could've used for it (that you also have mentioned, including light sources), but I didn't want to keep the requester waiting.

:lol: Guess I shouldn't have done that.
That's cool. The main reason I went in depth is so that you could apply it to your future work, not that sig in particular. I understand what you mean, requests are pretty demanding, so I know why you may have rushed it a bit. Can't wait to see your next piece.



Also a request, so naturally I rushed it. :lol: I know I'm whoring this style, I'm sorry! I'm stopping after this!...Anyway, made it for my bud on another site, C&C is greatly appreciated.
Darkprinny said:
A new sig
By request

Ive been ponderin -
Why do people make still sigs ?

The main character in the right is stretched (did I said the word correctly?? :yikes: ).

As to the question, Idk really, it's something that you start making and end up by finding it fun to do.
I will stop doing sigs now, I'm going to move to LPs, which leads to my next point.
Sigs are a great way for you to learn the techniques in PS, because there are loads of tutorials in the net, and when you learn some techniques (the most important ones) you can move to LPs, which is better because you can get money from doing them. And the value of your work is even greater when you do LPs, the only problem is that they are tough to make and they take much more time to finnish (becauuuuuse there is a bigger canvas :yikes: ).

You guys really are moving at such a pace with new pieces that I really can't keep up. I would like to apologise in advance if I appear to be avoiding the site, but I am actually very busy with Uni.
I will start making Sigs as soon as things cool down a bit on my end. :)
Anyway, nicely done everyone.
demonflair said:
The main character in the right is stretched (did I said the word correctly?? :yikes: ).

As to the question, Idk really, it's something that you start making and end up by finding it fun to do.
In the sprite sheat I got the sprites off Dan was quite small and I was tryin to keep it lookin like there from the same game
I was lookin for poket fighter Dan sprites but I couldnt find him (maybe if I got them off the Mugen charicter)
Customer satisfaction
Thats all that matters
ssbb_lover said:


Also a request, so naturally I rushed it. :lol: I know I'm whoring this style, I'm sorry! I'm stopping after this!...Anyway, made it for my bud on another site, C&C is greatly appreciated.

Whore ;D

But yeah, the effects are nice, but it goes in various directions, giving the sig little flow, and it would better if he had a bit more contrast to it. Also the render looks pretty slapped on and a tad choppy, maybe a bit of blending? On something on the foreground? Don't like the text either (though I'm sure that was requested also).

Overall, I can safely say that its cool what you've done so far, though I feel more work could be put into it (but based on the fact that you admitted you rushed it, I think you pretty much know that already :p).

Also I look forward to you trying out different styles :)
Sneaux125 said:
2 Newest -




1st: I actually love what you've done, but not with that stock. It looks really, really weird. Text isn't great either.

2nd: I really like this one. It might be the greatest piece I've seen from you to date.