Official Graphics Comments & Criticism

Cpt.McCloud said:
^^ best out of the 4.


Damn I love that effect on the TV...
I agree. Pras, beautiful new sig. Where's the girl from, Heroes?
You did a very nice job with the depth and colors, but you really gotta work on that text, boy. >.<
Everything about it tbh. :/ Place text in the bottom right, make it softer, and use a more "round font". Such as Century Gothic. Maybe make it 16-18 in size.
Cpt.McCloud said:
Agreed at the ricky comment:lol:

So you prefer the right ironman sig out of all 4 tags?

I was only looking at the two black and white signatures. As for the best I would have to agree with ssbb_lover.
Thanks for all the compliments guys. The girl, a J-Pop singer, is called Yoshioka Yui, and her songs are some of my favourites. As iRAWR kindly suggested, I do love the Japanese culture, as well as the girls. :lol:
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