Official DBZ Budokai - Post Your Characters!

When i saw the video of a player playing this, and he did the kamehameha wave, just seeing what control movement needs to be done. Well lets just say my mouth dropped. it was like a dream come true.

The weird thing is, I havent watched DBZ since middle school and I'm 20 right now.
By the way this is my first message, ive read a lot here before getting the wii (on launch date) and even now to get info of games and all :p.
I finally decided to join to "Chat".

Im definitely going to buy DBZ, that game look good, and i like fight games and its Dbz so ill get it for sure.

I would like to know if theres rumour about the online play of this game, and if we can save replay of the fight we did.

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  • #19
There's no online support yet, but remember, since the Wii can update at any time, it's really up to developers. What appears offline right now, could be online in a few months, nobody knows. They are already talking about giving Red steel enhanced multiplayer options with online mode via update for February.

And when you think of it, games that already have a multiplayer option, only need to be changed to allow people from other systems to connect as P2, P3, P4 and so on...
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I read about how this game works and me and a buddy we just like "we need to play that" but i wanted to rent it first and try it out. but now Gamefly says there is a wait until its available. But after reading this stuff i am thinking about getting it. I loved DBZ back in the day and i am always messing around with buddies doing Energy Waves(well mostly Hadokens but whatevs). One question i do have is on the playstation 1 game Dragon Ball Final bout you could return an energy wave with one of you own, does this game do that. i know that the first DBZ game for ps2 did not but i was wondering if this one did. Aslo a DBZ fan is a friend of mine. Xepher and XbandaidX i am going to add you guys as a Wii friend
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  • #21
Well when it comes to repeling energy, theres a few things you can do base on the circumstances. If someone just shoots a regular ki blast at you (a small energy ball, the primary function of the b button - very little damage), if you block at the right moment you can send it back at them.

If someone use a blast 1, or blast 2, you can energy block it, and stop it from doing max damage, or knocking you down. There are times however, where I have send a blast 1, 2, and even an ultimate blast at my enemy, and have had them shoot a blast 1 or 2 back, in which case the blasts collide, and you have to spin your joystick uber fast to get yours to win. Im not quite sure how to counter-blast yet though, i think you just have to do a blast before they full cast theirs.

Hope that answers your question
Xepher__ said:
Fraid not about the instant trans...

And about the teleport, thats mostly an attribute of speed. Its not actually a teleport, its supposed to be the character moving so fast it looks like a teleport. I advise you to use down on the d-pad to block, rather than pointing off screen.

To "teleport" you have to designate a direction (left or right usually), while youre in hand to hand combat, and not getting pounded. When youre ready to move, just make sure youre punching your enemy and then quickly hold left or right on the joystick and press down on the d-pad, this will usually take you right behind them.

When it comes to "teleporting" away from skills, it really just has to do with timing. If you see a beam flying at you, hold left or right and press down on the d-pad right before it hits you. If its an animate skill (usually an ultimate), you need to press down on the d-pad pretty much as soon as the animation starts. Alot of it is timing, and i haven't mastered it myself yet, ive only had the game for a few days, just trying using down on d-pad to block regularly while holding a direction on the joystick, and it should happen in your favour.

Do you know how to do the teleport smashes?
Teleport smashes? o_O
Teleport Smashes

I have the game and Teleport smashes are done after a regular full smash. It is accomplished by pressing B right after the full smash.

klyick said:
I have the game and Teleport smashes are done after a regular full smash. It is accomplished by pressing B right after the full smash.

If you do a regular full smash then dash and do another smash, the teleport smash works still.
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  • #27
Getting three smashes in is hard. In order to get 2 smashes in instead of one, you have to either have maxed speed, or be in full power mode. You do a max smash, hit b, and quickly hit b again, and if you time it right, on the second smash, hit them down then hit BBA to do the down hit tele smash.
wouldn't that be sweet if you could create your own custom character. and give him a funny dbz name examples goku, vegeta hehe:D i loved that show when i was 10!!!!
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  • #29
Yeah, I would personally create "Kid BHALAHA!", and his ultimate attack would be to send a swarm of radioactive bees at the opponent, homing, unblockable, 25K dmg!
Hmmm, i have the game. and i added you to my wii list Xepher, but for a reason i ignore i can't pm u...

I just wanted to add you to talk about ur build up and all.
So if you want to pm me, to see if i can reply...

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