Odd Wii-Mote Problem


WiiChat Member
Dec 11, 2006
Wii Online Code
I've had a trawl through the troubleshooting posts for Wii-Mote problems and while the problem I've got has come up elsewhere it's not been definitively answered so I'm going to call out for help as it's driving me mad.

Problem: Playing tennis with friendds and one dilbert hit me with the wii-mote going for a forehand smash :mad2: . It wasn't very hard at all and initially there was no problem with the remote. However after starting a new game the remote did not register swings - and the speaker didn't make any noise when you swung it (the swoosh sounds of your racket).

I have tried everything you woul normally do - taken batteries out, turned console off at mains, re-synced both controllers etc.

What is odd is that it works in menus as a pointer - so I don't get whats wrong. I don't know how it works inside (is there a gyro or something that could be broken?) but if anyone does could they help?

Also odd is that i tried to use it for sonic and it didn't work in that either. Plot thickens. In the meantime my friend is banned until he can show more Wii-spect.

Any help much appreciated:)
this happened to someone else i dont remmeber where but the pointer is still usable but something is wrong with the other part of the wiimote the accelerometers? might contact ninty to see whats up
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Yeah cheers, I saw someone had the same problem, that's why I was hoping someone may have had the same problem fixed. Looks like it's customer services for me...
hello...I have the exact same problem... What do we need to do to correct this? Thanks in advance for any help.
That happened to me, my friend was playing baseball, and swung and punched me in the mouth, his controller works fine, and he hit me hard.
Your friend is darthbeaver :lol: :lol: :lol: :laughssoooohard: Is this wiimote problem the cause of his sourness towards the wii??!! :lol:

Anyways, sorry to hear about the remote. :( I hate it when these things happen to ppl.
Yeah, you will probably have to go to customer services or contact Nintendo somehow. I'm sure they will replace the Wiimote since it is pretty new. I mean how old can it be at tops? A month and a week? (Don't answer that, it was a rhetorical question.)
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Just got controller back from Nintendo service dept. It's all lovely and fixed and joy is restored.
lol people dont know how to swing a fuking remote!!!
Wots with the world nowadays :shifty:
How long did it take to get it fixed?
Any how did you contact them?
"spanking" the wiimote could have fixed it lol, mine have hit the wall a couple times (standing too close), been knocked out of my hand when i was about to put it down (the A button stuck [and still does but only if u dont play for a few hours and after a few clicks it's fine] and my gf freaked and offered to buy me a new one when she bought that one for me in the first place so of course i told her not to and it's not really that annoying anyway), and hit me a couple times (drunk friend) hit eachother (wiimote and nunchuck, drunk friend again) and still work fine lol
depends how badly you smacked him in the face, as sad as it is its pretty funni all the storys of people hitting there freinds,two words of advice.......STAND BACK!!!!
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I emailed them. It didn't take too long - not sure exactly but less than two weeks all in. Personally I'm careful with stuff but the trouble is when you're friends are round you don't want to look all stuffy/square by going 'please be careful and stand apart'.

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