Ocarina of Time BIG QUESTION!!

stop the racisim. seriously i got a point of view about muslims but i wont say anything here, or there OR ANYWHERE.


also the music scares me
getting back on topic..

imo the VC version is definatly upgraded graphics, i plugged it into my 52" LCD and it's much improved over the other N64 games i've played on it in the past
cimbom said:
..........:lol: !!!!!!......

Dude, they don't speak Arabic in Turkey, they speak Turkish. Turkey is the leading prodominantly Muslim country that is secular. It is the only country where a mosque, church, and synagogue can be built right next to each other without tension.

Turkey is also a major alley with the United States. Turkey provides the US with air bases near the Iraq border and has sent troops to Afganistan.

Killing our women for dancing? What the hell does that mean? Go on YouTube and search Turkish music videos. Hardly killing them.

My hate? What? :shocked: I was just saying how its dumb to even care about what is on a soundtrack. I could fight Ganon to Gospel music and it wouldnt matter. Isn't is racist to even consider there a difference?

I was born in New York City, I vote and I work full time in America. I pay my taxes. You're a fool.

Turn off Fox News and start looking through the world with your own eyes. Learn which countries speak which different languages and educate yourself before you start a conversation about topics I know.

Sorry everyone about how this thread turned out.

Ok, ......the chant was in the Arabic language.....no one said you speak Arabic in Turkey. I know what language is spoken in which of your Islamo fasciast countries because I've been to your fine continent......the chant is in Arabic.....you even said Arabic in your post...lol
Dont inform me of who our allies are, I'm well aware of our military affairs.

Fox News????? I dont have cable right now......saying I need to turn off Fox News and calling me a redneck in your Private message, is like me calling you a faggot towel head, since you are in San Fransisco......and that would be rude and unfounded. Got it?

Next time, when someone is talking about a game, dont bring up that "YOU THINK ITS DEMEANING THAT THEY TOOK YOUR ISLAMIC MUSIC OUT OF A GAME."......Then you turn around, "sorry guys for how this turned out".....You said you were angry and going to boycott Nintendo essentially!!!! That is not "I was just saying, who cares?"

"I bear witness that there is no God but Allah." next time, say, I dont think they should take it out because......, not, its demeaning and I deserve special treatment everywhere around the world. Dont back peddle and lie, saying "I just said who cares what music there is", because its too late.

Hey guys, Mario brothers is the best game ever, I sure do like JESUS! I think its demeaning that Jesus isnt in Super MArio Bros......he could be in world -1. I am offended, and demand satisfaction from the japanese people, who are all godless.......see? stupid isnt it?

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i for one thinks this is funny. conan special treatment have nothing to do with this. special treatment doesnt always have to be good which from what i read is what your impression of is on. he was mad because there was no point to take the music out of the game. its only music. you never had to go around starting a rant fight with a topic of zelda AND religion. everyone knows religion sparks a fight. and even though someone had to bring it up. you didnt have to make this thread funny. he said fox news because almost everyone watches including me a 14 year old kid. and if you DID think it was demeaning that mario brothers didnt have jesus. which was really stupid comment considering it has no religion except the one to conquer castles with koopa's in it. and lastly he was posting that link because(i think) you said everyone hates christian mythology. now will you two immature kids stop fighting and either focus all your petty anger on me for calling you kids. OR continue talking about oot and the ''big question''
balrogs.pa said:
and if you DID think it was demeaning that mario brothers didnt have jesus. which was really stupid comment considering it has no religion except the one to conquer castles with koopa's in it. and lastly he was posting that link because(i think) you said everyone hates christian mythology. now will you two immature kids stop fighting and either focus all your petty anger on me for calling you kids. OR continue talking about oot and the ''big question''

LOL, no, if you cant detect sarcasm and cynicism, then don't respond. That was an exageratory example of the same thing. I shouldnt have to explain this one. It was supposed to be obviously sarcastic. A no brainer. Go back and read what you actually wrote to me......:wtf:

I said what I wanted to say, and I'm done. If someone wants to offend me, I'll offend them back. All of you are demeaning to me. Demean, demean, demean, that's such a cool word to spell.

And calling Christainity mythology might offend some christians, which I am not. So as long as you realize that Islam is mythology as well, then we're ok. :wink:
I didn't say it was demeaning to me. I said I found it demeaning towards muslim people (because of what a few "muslim" terrorists.

My country is in the continant of Europe. You have been to Europe? Thats nice. Send me a picture.

Tell me.. When people say "Muslim" do you think of terrorists? Because they are way different. Look at Muslims in Turkey or in Africa. Way different than the sterotype you think of.

I believe that if this was the 1960's you would be making racist remarks against the Soviets. LOL. Chill out, your hate is on steriods.
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cimbom said:
That really makes me angry. Im not really muslim, but I come from a mostly Islamic country (Turkey) and I find that really demeaning. So what if there is Arabic in the game? No metroid download or purchases from me.

Oh, god, what a liar. Here is your quote. You didnt say it was demeaning to muslims. Read what you wrote.

Are you 10 years old? Because its not breaking news that Turkey is really on 3 continents. So yes, Ive been to Europe too (Germany, france), But I was reffering to my time in Israel.

Muslim terrorists, and rude muslims who come to your country wanting to change the rules and get special treatment are two different things. You being the latter. You set up nests of your family members and spread your hate from inside my community. Look at England, Netherlands (yes I know what continent they are on , thank you). You are assholes in the mall, the poolhall, at work, or in traffic. I deal with your people every day and its getting old. You all have chips on your shoulder. If one gives me their typical cold stare today, I will head butt them in the face, and it will be your fault...lol......

You want prayer in school 5 times a day in America. You want drivers licence photos with burkas on your faces so we cant ID you. If a cop or airport securtiy worker looks at you, you say its racial profiling. We arent aloud to make cartoons with mhachumid in them, or you will kill us. You tell us that our natural disasters are our fault, and that god is punishing us. Who did you guys kill? was it Van Gohs grandson? nice work. Or what about Salman Rushdie....yeah, he is a bad bad man, he deserves the last 30 years of hatred he has been forced upon, right?

Leave steroids out of it, I dont want muslims giving them a bad name.

For everyone elses sake, dont reply, Im abandoning this thread.....sorry for the ranting everyone.....just cant let a loud mouth dumbass get away with reverse racism.

by the way everyone........my best friend and roomate........his name is Denish Prasad......and he is nice, respectful, and intelligent.........so I dont have a problem with anyone who isnt Larry the Cable guy, just YOU.

oh I get it, Bald Bull was from turkey....
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Like I said. I not really Muslim and I was just trying to defend universal rights for everyone from whatever country).

Turkey is in 2 continants. Europe and Asia. Not three.

I find it funny that you find us like Araps.

I don't want prayer.

In Turkey it is illegal for women to wear head dresses in public buildings. In fact, Islam is more oppressed in Turkey then here in the States.
Conan the Librarian said:
LOL, no, if you cant detect sarcasm and cynicism, then don't respond. That was an exageratory example of the same thing. I shouldnt have to explain this one. It was supposed to be obviously sarcastic. A no brainer. Go back and read what you actually wrote to me......:wtf:

I said what I wanted to say, and I'm done. If someone wants to offend me, I'll offend them back. All of you are demeaning to me. Demean, demean, demean, that's such a cool word to spell.

And calling Christainity mythology might offend some christians, which I am not. So as long as you realize that Islam is mythology as well, then we're ok. :wink:
everythings mythology....
why has this thread gone to that subject'? why do you people love to argue about religion? can't we just get along