Objective review of GH3 Wii vs GH3 360?


Waluigi's #1 Fan!
Dec 18, 2006
Wii Online Code
I would like to get Guitar Hero 3 as I've read the reviews and the track list and it looks great. However, I can't decide whether I should get it for Wii or Xbox 360.

So far it looks like 360 is better due to the identical gameplay, better graphics, better online, downloadable content.

Are there any things that will set the Wii version apart?
Apparently Surround Sound [For those with it] isn't meant to work on the Wii version
I'd get it on Xbox over Wii anyday
Isn't the Wii version cheaper? If not i can't see a reason to want if over the xbox version.
The wiimote in the guitar brings alot more to the game than I thought it would.I played it on both consoles then decided to buy it for the Wii.The guitar is better and the sounds that come from the wiimote in the guitar make it a totally different game play experience.The only plus the 360 has over the Wii is downloadable content.But dont worry it will come to the wii in no time.So I bought GH3 for the Wii and I am going to buy Rock Band for the 360.I think GH3 is better on the Wii to answer the question.
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nic7 said:
Isn't the Wii version cheaper? If not i can't see a reason to want if over the xbox version.

Money is not a factor
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Dr. Pepper said:
than become a guitar hero and learn guitar and take guitar lessons

its alot funner

but Wii fo sure

I have already played electric guitar for over 3 years actually :yesnod:

I love my guitar! lookie:

It only costed £200
360 over Wii. Well PS2 over all actually. I've heard the controller is better.
Anyone watch the latest SP ep... :lol: :lol:
Buy the 360 version, its the best.

360 has downloadable content and surround sound.

The Wii does have a better guitar because its the only one that features rumble and uses the Wiimote speaker for bad notes. There seems to be an issue with surround sound not working though and theres no downloadable content.
Buy the Wii version if you wanna be totally retro and rock in MONO!

Activision have screwed up and left out the menu option to select mono/stereo/surround from within the game - as such it's stuck outputting mono.

Seen as they clearly advertise the title as having Dolby ProLogic II I imagine they are going to be hit with some lawsuits very soon.

Activision have acknowledged the issue but as yet haven't come up with a fix.

So if you own both consoles then it's got to be the 360 version. It's a music-centric game after all.
i can't believe no one has mentioned this awesome feature that's only on the wii - to activate starpower u tilt the guitar so it's vertical (just like Slash does when he solos!)... it's a shitload better than hitting a button!

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