NZ Console Sales


WiiChat Member
Mar 19, 2007
Wii Online Code
From the NZ Herald, Monday 16 April 2007. C14
Consoles sold this year

PS2 9488
PS3 4835
PSP 4475
X360 3070
NDS 2384
Wii 1796

Found this while browsing the news, sad to see Wii is comming last over here:frown2: ,Though when wii takes over with some good online ill feel sorry for everyone who spent over a grand on thier PS3 lol
Wiily Good said:
That's amazing. Maybe there are some real Wii shortages over the ditch.

lol, if theres major shortages in the U.S. and UK, then it's probably the same or worse in NZ
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unfortunately i think there just selling bad here, we have plenty of stock, could probly go around town right now and purchace at least 500 of them from different stores, makes it hard to imagine the shortage in US and UK
Maybe everyone lives in cardboard boxes that wouldn't explain why the cheapest consoles doing the worst though
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im thinking its just cuz where a lazy nation, i mean who wants a game console that you have to move to play and take time to learn and adjust to controlls, PS3 and xbox, ect are just pick up and play. lol but thats just us kiwis, however i much prefer the Wii, but i guess id have a PS3 if i could afford it.
why do i think this is just made up B.S (500 wiis).....there is no country at the moment where wii is just that easy to find except maybe japan.
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yeah it was an over statement but the point was if we wanted one we can get it withiut a problem

heres a short list of places that sell Wiis here (and theres heaps missing)
noel leaming
harvey norman
barrels 100%
the warehouse
bond and bond
EB games

now i expect each of them to have say at least 10 in stock so that at least 80, and thats just my small town not the whole country.
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sorry about double post
I guess the Kiwis are always watching the Allblacks flog the Wallabies. :lol:
Just wait for a Rugby game to come to Wii, the sales will then pick up 1000%
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Wiily Good said:
I guess the Kiwis are always watching the Allblacks flog the Wallabies. :lol:
Just wait for a Rugby game to come to Wii, the sales will then pick up 1000%

lol nice one! ur probly right :p

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