NYKO Develop Wii Up-Scaler/Converter


WiiChat Member
Nov 30, 2006
Hello, Some rumor about an up-scaler from Nyko around the net.
This product convert the 480p maxium resolution of Wii to 720p, 1080i and awesome 1080p with use component cables on HDTV's.
If is true, is amazing!
I imagine ZELDA in 1080p WHAAOOOOO!!!!!!
How much?
I unknow, but you can ask in Nyko's site.
Axl16 said:
Hello, Some rumor about an up-scaler from Nyko around the net.
This product convert the 480p maxium resolution of Wii to 720p, 1080i and awesome 1080p with use component cables on HDTV's.
If is true, is amazing!
I imagine ZELDA in 1080p WHAAOOOOO!!!!!!
How much?
I unknow, but you can ask in Nyko's site.
why dont you ask on nyko's site?
woah dude if this is for real... oh ****!

Nyko is a wonderful brand but seeing as Nintendo hasn't/don't have plans to do so it makes me think that something is wrong with the picture...

Either it's impossible to do, will affect games in a negative way, or will not be worth it.

But I'll be reading up on this
StevenNevets said:
woah dude if this is for real... oh ****!

Nyko is a wonderful brand but seeing as Nintendo hasn't/don't have plans to do so it makes me think that something is wrong with the picture...

Either it's impossible to do, will affect games in a negative way, or will not be worth it.

But I'll be reading up on this
tell us what you find when you read up on this
Thats just plain stupid, any moron should know that upscaling a resolution will only result in a worse picture than the original.
pizzaluvr said:
not a worse picture, but it wouldn't be any better

Any time you put in some scaler or even cable splitters or some other crap you will end up with a picture worse than the original.
If done well it will not be noticable but still the signal will not be as good as the original.

Now the only way this would be of any use is if you have a big hdtv with a total crap scaler in it so you would sort of replace the TV:s scaler with a better one and feed a signal closer to the native resolution of the TV to it.

But then again good scalers cost money so I'd say that unless it costs 300-400$ its total crap, and putting down that much money on a scaler does'nt seem smart when you can just but a TV with a good scaler in it.
vagrant said:
It would require the games to be developed with better graphics.

And how do you suppose the better graphics would be put out of the wii when it only supports 480p?????? 480p is 480p whatever the developers do.
infernocs said:
And how do you suppose the better graphics would be put out of the wii when it only supports 480p?????? 480p is 480p whatever the developers do.

Um yes, but as far as we know, there are no wii games being developed for anything better than 480p. So even if this story wasn't complete BS, it would probably be a year or more before any games that utilitized higher were even released.
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Yeah it's posible upscale Wii games with better graphics, some upscaler around can do the miracle. But is expensive and only Nyko upscaler is compatible with Wii by component cables and ofter great result at low cost.
Nyko posible talk to Nintendo to license this product and will come with a Wii firmware update to confirm compatibility with games. And mach the correct resolution of your HDTV. (Avoid flickering).

It will launch the summer of 2007.

What is a upscaler?
You can find any at Google. Your best friend!
Axl16 said:
Yeah it's posible upscale Wii games with better graphics, some upscaler around can do the miracle. But is expensive and only Nyko upscaler is compatible with Wii by component cables and ofter great result at low cost.
Nyko posible talk to Nintendo to license this product and will come with a Wii firmware update to confirm compatibility with games. And mach the correct resolution of your HDTV. (Avoid flickering).

It will launch the summer of 2007.

What is a upscaler?
You can find any at Google. Your best friend!
I had trouble finding anything at all
It still will not be true HD. Upscaling an image that was developed in 480p will not immediatly make it true 720p/1080i LET ALONE 1080p. Unless developers start taking advantage of... which we can all see they are having a hard enough time making even Gamecube esq graphics on the Wii let alone develop HD games. As much as I would love to see this happen, it seems like a far reach for the Wii.

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