nunchuck fault !

Timo said:
This sounds like a fault in personal hygiene rather than the nunchuk. It doesn't harm the performance of the device, and if you find it gross, then you should stop sweating. :p


If you want to pass such a harsh judgement on someone else's intelligence you should probably use correct spelling.

sorry, didn't know i was meant to be trying to impress u. i hope u feel better about yourself, correcting somebodies shortcomings to attempt to make yourself appear superior.
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well i have just got myself a nice black syilicane cover for my wiimote and nunchuck on ebay !

hope its good
its called oxidation :mad2:

rubber naturally oxidizes over time
oxidation is the loss of electrons in a molecule over time...
ughh.. :rolleyes:

the sweat and environment in which your nunchuck (not numchuck ya doosh) is changing the makeup of the outer rubber on the joystick causing it to turn yellow.

if that didnt make sense, go to chemistry class...
in the meantime yea you need to chill out when playing your wii.. its just a game bro... no need to sweat bullets over it :eek:ut: