Noticing Artifcats. Help needed.


WiiChat Member
Mar 16, 2007
I just noticed some wierd black dots on my screen. It is in baseball when the ball goes high and the air and the camera follows it.

It only shows up when the camera and ball are falling and there is the blue sky in the background. On the blue sky I see small black pixels.

This is the only time I can see these, but its annoying and I hope my wii isn't dieing. I have a launch wii and was planning on installing a modchip, but I was waiting on my tri-wing. Good thing I didn't install it But, can anyone replicate this problem? Is it normal? What to do !?!

ps: I have a 32" flatscreen crt tv non hd Thanks
I notice some black artifacts as well. Not sure what it is or why it occurs. Its not always there but it happens occassionally during all games I play. I have a 34" Toshiba Widescreen CRT television and am using the OEM Nintendo component cables. Anyone have any ideas or how to correct it?
I've noticed the same black dots while playing SSX Blur on my 32" sony wega flatscreen tube. It's weird, I don't understand how come they're there on that tv, but not on another one I have. I need to test it out on my 58" plasma to see if the same problem occurs.
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I read more about it online and found alot of people have this problem. Some think it is caused by wiiconnect24 overheating the wii while it is in standby. Nintendo will send you a new wii for free.

What a pain though :mad2:
dballgen3 said:
I read more about it online and found alot of people have this problem. Some think it is caused by wiiconnect24 overheating the wii while it is in standby. Nintendo will send you a new wii for free.

What a pain though :mad2:

Can you post a link to what you read online?
Man if this is actually a damn problem, I'm going to be so pissed. This is ridiculous. I purposely didn't buy a launch wii for this reason.
WolfpacSnakepit said:
oh boo freakin' hoo! A few black pixels every now and then!!! U poor babies!

Who (with a life) gives a ****?

I care because I invested $279 (CDN) on a unit and hundreds more on accessories and games and I expect the system to work flawlessly for that price. If there is a manufacturer defect I expect a replacement under warranty. Thank god I live in the same town as Nintendo Canada's head office!
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My god the Wii owns... said:
Oh god...the warranty's over...this crap better not happen for me.

How is the warranty over? Its 1 yr + 90 days if you register it
Two Dollar said:
I care because I invested $279 (CDN) on a unit and hundreds more on accessories and games and I expect the system to work flawlessly for that price. If there is a manufacturer defect I expect a replacement under warranty. Thank god I live in the same town as Nintendo Canada's head office!

:cryin: <--- You.

It's only the cheapest system on the market and IS flawless. A few little black pixels now and then hardly registers as a manufacturer defect... Stop crying and get over it. I've probably spent more on my Wii than you have on yours and do you hear me having a whinge? No. Grow up.
WolfpacSnakepit said:
:cryin: <--- You.

It's only the cheapest system on the market and IS flawless. A few little black pixels now and then hardly registers as a manufacturer defect... Stop crying and get over it. I've probably spent more on my Wii than you have on yours and do you hear me having a whinge? No. Grow up.

How do you figure that constant black "noise" on the screen caused by an overheating video card is not a manufacturer defect? I would say that is the definition of a manufacturer defect.

I hope your Wii hasn't suffered the same defect as mine; however, should it in the future, I hope you take the proper steps to have your Wii fixed prior to the warranty expiring. I will be calling Nintendo Canada on my first day off work (Thursday) and I assume they will rectify my problem.