North American One-Night Only Tournament

i lost 7-0 and 7-3 lol axtlar u gave me a free goal
Ok I beat Kevin
1. 7-0
2. 7-3

yeah that's what I do sometimes, give free goals, lol
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  • #229
mario-ramp said:
so what do i do now

you got eliminated or you came late?

mr_towl said:
its been over 10 minutes and he hasnt invited yet. should i just play warwick?

go ahead, we gave him about 20 minutes. sorry cookies no hard feelings

warwick said:
everyone but me got at least one bye

not really. only reason kevn3000 was positioned was because he was picked like that out of random-ist. everybody else has to play to get to finals
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  • #234
mario-ramp said:
eliminated, is there like a losers bracket or something?

unfortunately, no.

you win or go home.

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  • #236
{Axtlár} said:
Can someone update the bracket please? oh lol never mind

already ahead of you, but patience young grasshopper