syler118 Banned May 5, 2007 18 0 Jun 15, 2007 #1 if u wanna battle me the plz tell me when my code is 3479 9031 1588 name is justin challenge me and get ready to lose if u want we can make it a legened battle but i would rather do no legends and lastly legends are all the pokemon not allowed in the battle tower
if u wanna battle me the plz tell me when my code is 3479 9031 1588 name is justin challenge me and get ready to lose if u want we can make it a legened battle but i would rather do no legends and lastly legends are all the pokemon not allowed in the battle tower
Battles Banned Apr 7, 2007 1,148 15 G-town, Tennessee Wii Online Code 8913-3076-5932-5312 Jun 15, 2007 #2 Hey dude i know yer new and all, but we have an official thread for battles. just look it up.
OP syler118 Banned May 5, 2007 18 0 Jun 15, 2007 Thread Starter Thread starter #4 so any one wanna battle