No Wii for Mii :(

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ftcmark said:
Take my advice, gather a list of all the stores in your area that stock the wii and call them DAILY. It gets very tedious, but it will pay off in the end.
I went around to a few places nearby (Gamestop, EBGames etc) and for the most part they said they wouldnt have any until the weekend but im gonna do some more callin around tomorrow.
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Ok as far as online I find most places not to be selling any online at the time, but I did find this though it comes with a ton of shitty games, I could prolly go and sell those...but my problem is, they also have just the system, and it says not in stock, so do you think they would send me the games and then say "sorry you have to wait x days for the actual system, seeing we are all out of those"

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