No space, no Wii....?


WiiChat Member
Nov 5, 2006
I just moved in to my dorm room, and it's a single, meaning it is extremely small. The way I have my TV/Wii set up, The tv is about 4 feet aobe the ground, sensor bar below it, and then I have a very low to the ground futon about 3 feet from that. Using the wii, I can see the TV from the futon, but the angle is so extreme to the sensor bar, that I'm having a heck of a time getting it to work. I have played with the settings forever, and I'm getting really frustrated. Can the sensor bar work at really close distances? What settings should I adjust to make this work? I'm going crazy without my Wii!!!!!! HELP!
why don't u put the sensor bar at the top of the tv...on the tv...let's see what happens? (edited)
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I've tried that. I think the angle is too small, (from the top of the tv to sitting on the futon in front of it).
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Here's a picture if it helps describe the situation. the sensor bar is on the TV stand.


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1. If that's a bunk on top play it from up there,
2. Put the tv where that microwave looking thing is and turn it to face the futon, then sit facing it,

Hope this helps =]
Try purposfully mismatching the sensor bar settings. With the bar below the TV, change the Wii setting and tell it that it's on top. Then see how that feels. If that's no good, try it the other way around (sensor bar on top, setting set to bottom).
Just a couple days ago I went with my brother to help him move in as its his first year in Rutgers, and I've got to say DAMN that's a small dorm I thought his 2-person dorm was small.
Looks to me like you're too close to the TV, I have the same problem when I sit that close, or at an angle. Can you rearrange the furniture to give yourself about 6 feet of distance from the tv?
Tairusu said:
Looks to me like you're too close to the TV, I have the same problem when I sit that close, or at an angle. Can you rearrange the furniture to give yourself about 6 feet of distance from the tv?

Anyway, I'd Go With What SurfinRach Said. She Got Two Great Solutions The Way I Look At It.
Maybe try some locations for the tv and maybe 're-sort' the room untill you find a position which you find comfortable and which works.