No ps3's in stock, but plenty of wiis

Knock it off, guys!

Wii&Ps3 said:
Last time I posted my local walmart has 5 wiis in stock, everyone called me a liar. I guess i should have taken pictures of them :idea: . Unfortunately I had to go into walmart today (I hate walmart) for a couple of things and guess what I saw? 15 wiis sitting on the shelf. Nobody was even looking at them. You know what I didnt see? If you guessed a ps3 then your right. The lady said they have been there all weekend. She said they sold a few, but it wasnt as crazy as expected.



If you need a wii go check your walmart. Ive found that if one store gets them in, then most of them will. It was the same thing with the ps3 as well. I bought three of them. One went to my g/f boss for his kids, and the other two will either go on ebay, co worker, or a friend. Im still surprised that they are selling for over $300 on ebay. I guess people are too lazy to check local stores. Maybe I have a magic walmart? Who knows.....

How hard is this to believe?

Give the poor, banned PS3 fanboy some credit, willya? I for one believe those are genuine photos.

There are a couple of thousand of Wal-Marts in the US alone. Each Wal-Mart serves a specific radius. It is quite possible that yes, in this person's region, virtually everyone who wants a Wii already has theirs.

I live in Asia, and you can definitely believe me (I can take photos and/or videos if you all like, just let me know - heading into the city on Saturday to pick me up some more Wii games!) when I tell you stores here are chock-a-bloc full of Wiis everywhere!

PS3s? MIA. Can hardly find ONE!

However, the reason isn't exactly what you may think: I asked retailers here why the lack of PS3s, and they all flat-out told me that since PS3s are selling so POORLY, that they returned the stock and are not placing orders for anymore.

Why so many Wiis? To satisfy demand! Mind you, however, you can mainly find the Japanese, not the US version. The reason that there are so many Japanese Wiis is simply because most people prefer to get the US version, because folks here can at least READ English.

So yeah, give the guy some credit. He's only trying to justify his purchase of $711 to play one game. :D
Wii&Ps3 said:
You are so dumb im having a hard time typing from laughing so hard. Who cares if have more money than me? Im only 24 and I have plenty of time to make alot of money. Were you born into a rich family, or did you earn it? I own lots of real estate and do very well with my business. Im also going to open another business within 2 years after I expand my current one to where I need it to be. I bought my first home when i was 22 with a nice down payment. I pay cash for my cars and have no debt besides my house. Im doing very well for myself. Especially since my area has the worst real estate market in the united states, and I doubled my money since last year. Im going to double it again this year, and the year after. You have no idea what a poor or broker person is. I deal with it on a daily basis.

Being broke just means you have no money, but you dont possess a negative mindframe and are actually able to control your money. Being poor means you have no money, but will go out to buy lottery tickets and a 40oz of old english because your money controls you.

But you do care, I can quote about 20 of your posts in which you constantly ramble on about how wealthy you are, if I hadn't added that I'm richer than you I'm sure you'd have gone on about it even more. You can pretend that you're laughing, it's obvious that you're not, no one's that retarded enough to laugh at a forum, hang on, I retract that statement, perhaps you are. But I'd also just like to add, your post actually doesn't mean anything, you're actually agreeing with what I said, and contradicting your earlier post. Lol.
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csiguy4u said:
Looks like a fake. You could have easily stuck some empty display boxes in their either with the help of Walmart worker, or you are a Walmart employee yourself.

I also noticed you took a pic of the place where PS2 are supposed to be, so of course there are no PS3's Dr. Dillweed.

Im glad you know my walmart :wtf: They have a kiosk in the front with some games, but there isnt room for the systems themselves. That goes for the wii and the ps3. If you cant see this is a legit picture then your an idiot. Its just that simple. I know every one of them were real because I bought three of them. Btw the word dillweed wasnt cool since the mid 90's.

So yeah, give the guy some credit. He's only trying to justify his purchase of $711 to play one game.

I wish I could justify The $380 i spent on my wii with an extra remote and zelda, but unfortunitely I cant. Zelda was boring (and Im a zelda fan) and wii sports is old after you play it a few times. The funny thing is I still play resistance online, because it doesnt get old. Unlike other things that are collecting dust.

Wii Boxes that are displays have a red sticker on the front of them. So those are real Wiis in the display. Btw I'm still looking for another

I ever thought I would say this, but I wish some people had some common sense like you.

I was mainly in agreement with you. You did catch that, right? I was just trying to point out that each case always has outliers. It takes time and money to make money, and this is 100% true 90% of the time. I am financially comfortable myself, and I haven't even completed my second degree yet! (That happens in May.) I have a nice truck, up-to-date electronic equipment (720p for now, 1080p soon), no debt, and money left for both investment and fun. And yes, I DO think that charity is a great thing (so are receipts, so you can deduct the amount based on your tax bracket).

Foreclosing on homes... tisk, tisk!

No harm done. You seem like an intelligent person.
Sony claims Wii is just an 'impulse buy'

1 February 2007 22:07 by Dela
Sony claims Wii is just an 'impulse buy'It seems that Sony Corp. and Nintendo are really bringing the console war to life with words being exchanged about each others consoles and sales performance. Sony Computer Entertainment of America spokesperson Dave Karraker said that 100,000 PS3 units are reaching North America each week and are selling out, but admitted that demand for the console has fallen since the holidays.

When he compared the PS3 to the Wii, he claimed the PS3 is so powerful in comparison, that it shouldn't even be in the same category. "Wii could be considered an impulse buy more than anything else," he said. While the Wii shortage continues, there are still reports of PS3s being readily available for purchase in many areas of the U.S.

In response to this, Sony has claimed that there only appears to be excessive demand for the Wii because Nintendo is shipping less stock. "That's absolutely inaccurate," Nintendo of America's vice president of marketing, Perrin Kaplan said, going further to say the company is shipping at least the same amount of units as Sony.

The New York Times also quotes company officials as saying that 1 million Wii units are shipped worldwide per month, with over half of those going to North America.

Week in video-game news: Nintendo's Wii remains scarce, while PlayStation 3 is easy to find

Monday, January 29, 2007
By Lou Kesten, The Associated Press

News from the virtual world:

WHERE IS Wii? Who would have thought, given all the publicity surrounding the PlayStation 3's arrival last fall, that the Nintendo Wii would be the must-have console of the new year? A month after Christmas, it's still hard to find a Wii, and crowds are still lining up in front of electronics stores every time a new shipment is promised. On eBay, Wiis are still being auctioned off for around $500, double the console's list price. It's even tough to track down Wii controllers, since most of us who have been able to buy a console are stocking up on extra "Wiimotes" so the whole family can play.

Meanwhile, Sony's PS3 is pretty easy to buy. The Web sites for GameStop, Circuit City and other nationwide retailers have it for sale, and eBay auctions are starting lower than the $600 list price for the 60-gigabyte model. Several electronics store clerks have told me that buyers have been returning unopened PS3s after realizing they weren't going to make any money selling them on eBay. Serves them right.
The continuing scarcity of the Wii is likely sustaining shoppers' interest in the console. Compete's most recent data—from about two weeks ago—shows that consumers are still far more interested in the Wii than either of the other two next-generation consoles. Also, those shopping for the Wii are not as likely to consider buying a different console as those who are shopping for either a PS3 or 360.
Nvidia Shares Affected by Weaker Playstation 3 Demand
By Daniel Jacobs
Posted 29 January 2007 @ 05:11 pm EST

(International Business Times) - Growing signs of weaker demand for Sony's new Playstation 3 video game system may be impacting some of its design partners, a new report indicates, with graphics system provider Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA), feeling Wall-Street heat today.

A series of reports last week pointed to longer than expected shelf-time for Sony's Playstation 3 video-game console, as well growing inventories across the country, raising concern about possible slower demand for the new system.

Santa-Clara Calif.-based Nvidia, which provides the technology behind the system's advanced graphics and special effects, may take a hit as a result of the slowdown.

"Sony royalties garnered by Nvidia from the PS3 build are expected to be the primary driver of Nvidia’s gross-margin expansion in fiscal 2008," Michael McConnell, semiconductor analysts of Pacific Crest said.

"Although poor manufacturing yields on Blu-Ray diodes were the initial cause of PS3 unit constraints at retailers, we have seen evidence of weaker-than-expected consumer demand as availability has improved, likely stemming form overly high prices at retailers and a lack of compelling game titles."

While the report did not speculate on the number of units that would be sold, a component "tear-down" performed by market researcher iSuppli last month showed that Nvidia would receive $129.00 for every Playstation 3 sold.

The analyst lowered his price target for Nvidia to $33 from $45, and predicted earnings of $1.67 a share for the year, instead of $1.77 previously indicated.

Shares of Nvidia closed down $1.29, or 4.10 percent, to $30.18 in Monday trading on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange.

LASTLY, LISTEN to NVIDIA's Bellyaching
Nvidia Says Graphics Matter
Dismisses Nintendo's assertion that graphics have reached a saturation point as nonsense.
by Mark Bozon

February 1, 2007 - Nvidia, one of the world's leading producers of graphics processing technology, seems to differ in opinion from Nintendo president Satoru Iwata on the subject of game visuals. In a recent interview with Next-Gen business, VP of content Roy Taylor voiced his opinion on the matter of gaming graphics and presentation.

"They're talking nonsense," he said of Nintendo assertion that videogame graphics have reached a saturation point. "It's ridiculous sot say that graphics don't matter. That's like saying 'The quality of my TV screen doesn't matter.' Oh really? So then in that case, you can go watch 24 in black-and-white on a seven-inch screen. It's nonsense to say graphics don't matter. I think we can do a lot better, but I think we'd like to see graphics encompassing the gameplay."

During the interview Taylor does state that gameplay can oftentimes play second fiddle to a game's visuals but reiterates that graphics will bring more emotion into software, stating that gamers seldom become as emotionally invested in characters from a videogame as they do in movies.

ARGUMENT: With the facts provided, we draw obvious conclusions;
1) wii is outselling the ps3.
2) ps3 demand is in a downtrend
3) Nvidia is partnered with ps3 and suffers along
4) The individual named "wii&ps3" does not check his premises...
5) The Wii rules.

...nuff said
csiguy4u said:
wow that must really predict this whole generation eh? a couple months into the systems coming out?

p.s. jayman, that was the most horrible fake: 'nuff said ever, and you didnt even add the '
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lair last tifme i went to walmart ps3 no if you gest wiis your right.I will get a pictur.

:ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa:
anthony.a said:
lair last tifme i went to walmart ps3 no if you gest wiis your right.I will get a pictur.

:ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa: :ciappa:
from what i can make out, you do know there are thousands of wal-marts, right? their not all the exact same..
Sovieto said:
p.s. jayman, that was the most horrible fake: 'nuff said ever, and you didnt even add the '

I know, I'm a total "noob"... did I spell that right? :confused:

anthony.a said:
lair last tifme i went to walmart ps3 no if you gest wiis your right.I will get a pictur.

Let me get this straight; :confused:
"Liar, last time I went to wal-mart, no ps3s. If you guessed wii's, you're right. I will get a picture."

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Sovieto said:
p.s. jayman, that was the most horrible fake: 'nuff said ever, and you didnt even add the '

and why the hell should you, or anyone for that matter, give a damn about that?
Wii&Ps3 said:

Pree shure its illegal to take any kind of pictures and or video in a walmart store. There are notices at the doors saying that there is no photo or video allowed to be taken in the store at any time. And yes i know from experience, me n my buddys tried to make a music video in the middle of the toy isle. They kicked us out and called the cops, luckily we knew them personally or we woulda been in a heap of trouble.

But thats ok you proved there are wiis on store shelves...
Awesome. You are the man. :wtf:
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Holy crap, you all are lucky. Wii's come to Indy in shipments of 2-5 once a week. And they are gone within 2 hours.
But we have more PS3's than anyone knows what to do with. ^.^
Ruman said:
and why the hell should you, or anyone for that matter, give a damn about that?
cause i do :thumbsup:

everyone should want everyone to use interest slingo correctly, like where rape has gone, (GoW, 1v4, the lone person gets killed, 4 people team: OOHHHH WE RAPED HIM SO BAD)

p.s. jayman you did spell it right besides the '
but a proper example would be...

your white

'nuff said

[thread closed]
The best buy near me can't even keep wiis after opening, everytime they get some there are people in line in the morning.
It's only your area that has Wiis. It's different for every area, there are places with lots of ps3 buyers and almost no Wii buyers and vice versa. One Walmart store does not determine the stock for every other Walmart out there. Another example, one retarded PS3 fan does not mean that every other PS3 fan is retarded.