No more World War II Games!!

Actually I would like to see a good Vietnam game on wii I don't even care if it would be on americans side as long as it's not trying to too tidy and and stuff. I really think thee would be a cut to that kind of game there are several vietnam movies that are rougher than normal hail america style seen on hollywood movies. To name few Platoon and Apocalypse now so please make vietnam game with spirit of those movies.

Though yep it really unlikely but there might be hope if developing is really cheap to Wii that some smaller company would do something like this.
Sovieto said:
We've never lost a war, lol.
Hehe, u go boy! And by the way I won't even bother commenting on how we're(in your opinion)"losing" the war on terror. I said let's get off this topic...

This thread's running dry, i'm OUT.

Ezekiel said:
Why not a World War II game where you can protect your country from the invading Americans? Why not a Desert Storm game where you try to save your wife and child from Americans bombing your neighborhood then snap and join an insurgency when Americans destroy everything you hold dear? Why is everything told from the perspective of America? Probably because most games like this are made there and they insight more blind patriotism into the already gullible masses. NO MORE!!!
Well maybe it's because we don't go bombing ppl just because we don't like that they practice a certain religion or want to kill ppl senselissly, or maybe it's because we don't just want take over countries. Listen, the reason war games r always favoring the American side is because we're the only country(besides England & not counting back in the 1800's)because we've only gone to war because someone intiated it on us.

U may think i'm just a patriot suck up but it's true.
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Then it's time to add new life to this thread, right?

I think it would be cool to have a WWII game based on the Battle of Coral Sea. This battle stopped Japan's advancement and harassment of Australia, and could very well have sealed America's victory in the Battle of Midway. This raised spirits and strengthened resolve. Prior to Coral Sea, everyone thought Japan was invincible.
ssbb_lover said:
1st of all u shouldn't be saying anything about we think, WWII is the biggest war we've ever won and the war on terror right now will become the biggest one once it's done. Now let's stop talking about this before we get into a huge debate plz...

I'm sick of em' too, Call of Duty and 1 or 2 others r the only ones that I like.

Heh, sorry. I didn't clarify very well. Your right, I shouldn't say what you think, you obviously all have different thoughts and opinions. I was referring more generally to the stereotypical veiw of americans. More specifically, how the world veiws america's feelings.

The whole post was really a shot below the belt to stereotypes.

Also the winning WWII thing. I was slightly more serious about that. I've talked to quite a few americans that feel they won that war single handedly. That is just something that annoys me slightly.

And finally... why did you ask us to stop talking about that when you were the only one to reply to what I said. If you wouldn't have, I wouldn't have even made this post.

Anyways, hope there are no hard feelings out there anywhere.

edit: I also just read that the only reason you go to war is because someone else initiated it. Who exactly started the weapons of mass destruction search and eventually this war. Furthermore, what good has it done. It has removed Saddam Hussien from power, pissed of kim jong eel (spelling?), and pushed several other nation's forces into action which caused and is causing many casualties. Im sorry, I see no benefit. Taking out Saddam silently would have been much easier and more effective.
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Take out Saddam? Was he ever even a threat? To the average, uneducated and ignorant American they probably hate him for no good reason other than him being who he is or, they might give the excuse of the Kuwait genocide (though I seriously doubt how many Americans really care about that other than giving it as a reason to hate him).

Additionally, there are constant allegations of Saddam being guilty of crimes against humanity. I find this hilarious as he hasn't done anything America hasn't done now in their so called "War against Terror". Firstly, terrorism cannot be stopped. "Terrorism" is not a physical or tangible place or thing, it is a manifestation of beliefs. You can kill the followers but you cannot kill the belief. The best thing to do to stop it is to not bomb the hell outta some country but rather by stopping the causes of terrorism and trying to geniunely help the country instead of wringing it for all its worth.

Let's not forget that it was actually proven that Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction, as well as the fact he had no ties to Al Quaeda or anything like that. Other people initiating war on the US? I'm sorry but I agree with DarkDepths. The lie about Weapons of Mass Destruction certainly did the trick.

Even moreso, do you guys even get coverage of all the destruction and atrocities that are being committed over there? It's all okay tho because that whole neighborhood was occupied by terrorists, what branch? who cares cuz they were terrorists anyway, and the women and children? Well they shouldn't have been there should they? Even though all the guys killed were all decent hard working people with real jobs and families doesn't matter because that's all "Collateral Damage" according to the American military.

Its just so amusing how we'll never see this ugly side of the "American Way" portrayed in any game at least no game made by any American development crew).
Yeah they do need to make a few different varieties.
i dont think an developer has the gonads to make a ww2 game from the axis perspective. rightly so.
i personally want to see more ww2 games, cause i havent found a good one yet. call of duty 2 for 360 is as close as it gets to great ww2 shooter to me, but im not dropping 400 bones on a system for that game alone.
i am pretty pumped for CoD3 for wii, and am probably gonna go that route, but i dont mind ww2 shooters cause they all suck, and i dont buy them.
there was a recent flux of vietnam shooters a while back, shellshock, conflict, and men of valor(best)...
i want a revolutionary war game that plays like socom. hide in the mud and give signals to other minute men in the trees, sweet
I'm getting pretty tired of all these war games as well, specifically FPS games since there's not a lot of difference between them. And I doubt we'll see a game with the option to play as the Nazis, at least not from a major publisher- it's practically commercial suicide.

As for the wider debate on the war on terror this thread seems to be about now- I'm going to be controversial here and say I think the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were justified, if disastrously executed. Don't think I'm some kind of neo-conservative bible-basher here, I hate Bush and his right-wing friends as much as any sane person. But I have my reasons:

1. Even if Saddam Hussein did not have any weapons of mass destruction or the means to produce them, the fact remains that he was a vicious tyrant who killed thousands of his people and I can't believe anyone could support him. The Taliban were no better, imposing their ultra-conservative policies on Afghanistan and forcing people to adhere to crazy laws (including one which required men to have beards of at least a certain length). Say what you like about the legitimacy of invading another country, I'm glad they're out of power.

2. People complain that the government is just sending soldiers to their doom, but they forget that those soldiers weren't conscripted- they willingly signed up (I am deeply opposed to conscription, by the way). They knew the risks when they joined (or at least, they should have).

3. Saddam Hussein may not have had any weapons of mass destruction, but would it have been safe to leave him alone so that one day he could have acquired such weapons?
Pshhhhh! Call of Duty pushes everything, the new one is gonna have vechiles and you can fight people for their guns with your hands!!!!! Well I just hope they fix the Sniper Rifle, its toooo rigged. And with the hold your breath thing just makes it wayyyyyy easier/rigged. They need to make it like DoD, putting the scope up to your eye accutaly takes time (you screen goes blank for awhile) then you see the scope, and when you shoot you accutaly have to unzoom to reload...on CoD2 its just zoom right awya, shoot shoot shoot, hold breath to get a headshot, then reload your clip.
Sovieto said:
Pshhhhh! Call of Duty pushes everything, the new one is gonna have vechiles and you can fight people for their guns with your hands!!!!! Well I just hope they fix the Sniper Rifle, its toooo rigged. And with the hold your breath thing just makes it wayyyyyy easier/rigged. They need to make it like DoD, putting the scope up to your eye accutaly takes time (you screen goes blank for awhile) then you see the scope, and when you shoot you accutaly have to unzoom to reload...on CoD2 its just zoom right awya, shoot shoot shoot, hold breath to get a headshot, then reload your clip.
So true.:cool:
Only ones I like are Day of Defeat, Day of Defeat Source, and Red Orchestra, on Steam for PC.
world war 2 games are great they can only get better, call of duty make great games just like brothers in arms, medal of honour, and u learn alot too from them games, there fun but yet are based on a real war, which makes u think what people went through in the world wars, there not boring there great, lets hope they keep making them i prefer them to scifi or futureistic fps,
Well, i kinda like WWII games, though i agree, we should have other points of view to the game. What about the english? Russians, we kinda have CoD (Which is one of my all-time favorite FPS). If we can't get Nazis (Nazi-thinking is the most horrible thing ever, i know), what about the Italians? Or the autralians?

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