No DVD for WII then no WII for me.

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  • #33
MetroidZ said:
someone that doesnt like the wii, is making excuses not to buy it and telling us for some reason. :rolleyes:

i dont give a fudge.

Well, maybe you don't give a fudge, but, you're not correct about me not liking the Wii or about me making excuses. It's not an "excuse"?

I like the Wii, I like Nintendo, though I'm not a fanboy. I dispise Microsoft and think Sony probably deserves to go out of business after how poorly they've been treating their customers (illegally installing spyware/rootkit on our PCs, etc...).

I don't want to pay $59 per game ~ so... Wii is the obvious choice. I understand if Nintendo doesn't want to pay a DVD licensing fee for each Wii they sell but there's no excuse for not selling the option seperately.
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Wiired said:
So what ur sayin is.. ur cool with buying a DVD player for £179 coz it looks cool.. when u can buy a DVD player for like £20?...
I don't understand what you're asking?

I don't want to buy a DVD player. I want that functionality to be a part of the one device that I decide to put under my TV (whatever that may be), and I would prefer that device to also be: small, reliable (no Windows crashing), under $300, plays some games.

I suppose "it looks cool" is part of the reason why I want small, but not the only reason.

Now my wife is telling me: "let's just buy a $50 region free DVD player", then if we get that she'll say "let's put away the console". So we'll put that away in the basement or something and we just won't get around to playing any console games when we want to because it will be too much trouble to go get it and set it up then put it away again when we're done.

If I use a console as a DVD player it will always be there and ready to play a game if I want. :D
critofur said:
Oh yeah, that's another issue. It's so annoying that we have to use two seperate Playstation 2 consoles, one for my wife's games from Japan and one for my US games. It's beyond annoying. We'll be spending some time here in the US and some time in Japan and we'll probably bring some of our games/movies wherever we go. It's not tolerable to have them not be usable, it's rediculous. If I want to import a game, or buy a game while I'm in a foreign country, I want that to be MY choice, not controlled by some company. After all, I am the one paying for it. :mad5:

In the future, I don't think I'll be giving my $$$ to any company who's hardware can't be made region free. The companies are only ENCOURAGING mod chips by their assinine behavior (region locking). :crazy:
But with your Ps2 can't you stick a mod chip in that.
critofur said:
If I can watch DVDs on a WII I'll buy one, absolutely. :cool: I love how small it is, I've got a little kid, and a Japanese wife who loves video games. I think we'll really enjoy a WII. But, part of the reason I like it's small size is would be 'cause I'd love to have such a small ---------------
playing and a 2nd controller. Ok?
I heard the reason why the Wii is going to be so cheap is because they got rid of the DVD function.

I don't mind cause we have a DVD player, PS2 and Xbox360 in this house, so we're sweet as far as DVD playing goes.

However I'm sure Nintendo took this all into consideration, there'll be some way sooner or later that'll allow your Wii to play DVD movies etc. :)
critofur said:
If I can watch DVDs on a WII I'll buy one, absolutely. :cool: I love how small it is, I've got a little kid, and a Japanese wife who loves video games. I think we'll really enjoy a WII. But, part of the reason I like it's small size is would be 'cause I'd love to have such a small device replace my home theater PC. I had a nice 5 disc Sony DVD changer which died a while ago. I don't want to buy a new seperate DVD player. If I can't play DVDs on a WII then I'll get a different console. :wtf:

Nintendo: if you must sell WIIs without DVD playback, then please, at least offer say a "special edition" WII for $50 more with DVD playing and a 2nd controller. Ok?

dont get a wii... this means people who actually want one will have a better chance of getting one... go buy yourself another 5disc DVD changer... I mean wtf?

if thats your reason for not buying a GAMES CONSOLE because it's not part DVD PLAYER... my god...
Yeah therook is right, there is no point buying a console just for the dvd player...just buy a dvd player.
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wolf231 said:
But with your Ps2 can't you stick a mod chip in that.
Yeah, and I did that. But stupidly, and unfortunately, mod chips are illegal.

I was really glad when I saw a mod chip company win a court case in Australia (though I am in US).

Unfortunately my PS2 doesn't play DVDs very well, I think because it's old and there's some problem with the laser, though it plays all my PS2 games fine.

When I get a Wii we'll put the PS2 away in storage so I'll need to mod the Wii, I hope they have the chips ready for Wiis soon!

To the people bitching at me: If you actually read any of my posts you'll see that I never once said that I want the Wii just for playing DVDs. What I said was: I want a Wii and I don't want a seperate DVD player.

To the other people: I hope you're right, hopefully the Wii will be able to play DVDs, one way or another, be it an add on, mod, or software hack whatever.
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i understand when you say you want just one thing under your TV but from what im reading on the net about Wii and DVD's, it doesnt seem like its gonna ever support DVD's untill its modded (just like the GC lol). dont listen to the morons telling you to just get both. they obviously cant read lol. personaly i dont care how many wires i have behind my TV because i never see them but sometimes when im taking say my 360 over to a friends house, its kinda hard to seperate the wires but lately ive started organizing them. anyways just do what you feel is better.

does your name mean Christopher? if so, critofur is what my friends little cousen calls him lol
therook said:
dont get a wii... this means people who actually want one will have a better chance of getting one... go buy yourself another 5disc DVD changer... I mean wtf?

if thats your reason for not buying a GAMES CONSOLE because it's not part DVD PLAYER... my god...

Therook you are obviously too retarded to read so do society a favor and kill yourself.

with that taken care of i feel for you Crit but you posted in the wrong forums, only 10 yr olds hang here as you can see from the replies you've gotten.
This thread went about 2 and 3/4 pages to long.......the dudes question was answered on the first page....the Wii is going to be able to play DVD's you just need to buy an add on for it, and yet people still misunderstood what he said even though it was plain as day and bitched about him only getting a Wii for a DVD player, which isnt true....however what he did say was that he wants the system for DVD's and games therefor he doesnt have to have a bunch of wires and problems with the DVD player....., and i agree 100% with what Ashenshugar said above me ^^^
JCpackers05 said:
This thread went about 2 and 3/4 pages to long.......the dudes question was answered on the first page....the Wii is going to be able to play DVD's you just need to buy an add on for it, and yet people still misunderstood what he said even though it was plain as day and bitched about him only getting a Wii for a DVD player, which isnt true....however what he did say was that he wants the system for DVD's and games therefor he doesnt have to have a bunch of wires and problems with the DVD player....., and i agree 100% with what Ashenshugar said above me ^^^
Sorry, but you are mistaken. Wii will not have DVD playback.

Here's the article from IGN:
September 14, 2006 - Nintendo of America's vice president of marketing and corporate affairs, Perrin Kaplan, confirmed to IGN Wii today that its forthcoming Wii console will not play Hollywood DVD movies. The decision to remove the functionality was made in order to deliver the machine at a cheaper cost and because most people today already own DVD players.
I am surprised that people still judge video game consoles based on their ability to play DVD movies. Call me crazy, but I buy video game consoles to (imagine this) play video games. Soon, someone like Sony will attach a coffee maker to the console, and then people will freak out and say, "Dude, Nintendo left off the coffee maker. I'm so buying the X-Box 720."

I'll admit that it is handy to have a DVD player available on the side, but when I look into buying a console, I focus on gameplay quality and game selection. The Zelda series alone maintains my loyalty to Nintendo.
Dark Void said:
what no DVD on WII!!!!


I would prefer to have a console that can play games, music, AND DVD that way i dont have to have so much crap in my room. I like to keep my room clean so the less crap in there the better.

I can't believe people would be so idiotic as to not buy a wii because it doesn't play dvds! DVD players are ten-a-penny. Tesco are selling a DVD player for under £20!!! And it's tiny so you'd hardly notice itunder your TV. I think Nintendo have done the right thing. 90% of people own a dvd player now anyway.

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