No connection with WRT54G V5


WiiChat Member
Dec 9, 2007
Router: linksys wrt54g v5
Firmware: updated yesterday
SSID broadcasting: on
Encryption: off
Mac filter: off

As you can see all the possible security is off.
When searching forr wireless connections my connection is coming up (unlocked and green)
Still i can't get internetconnection with my wii.

Is there anyone who can help???
I dont know if this will help but it's better than not responding.

I have the same router.
I put the wii mac address in my mac filter list
I turned on DMZ instead of using the specific ports that the wii needs. I believ the DMZ opens up all ports.
Find the address of wii from dhcp client list for the dmz entry
wireless network mode is mixed channel 1

And make sure on the wii end you have it set up with the wep key
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What do you mean with "I turned on DMZ instead of using the specific ports that the wii needs. I believ the DMZ opens up all ports.
Find the address of wii from dhcp client list for the dmz entry"?

I also put the mac adress in the routers mac filter(s). I just didn't turn the mac filter on.

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