Nintendo's next console?


Lol..but I do hope they don't go all sony and make a console that's for like movies, music and everything..
Xionn said:
Thier next console should definatly have HD capable graphics, and using Wii mote features, how amazing would that be ;) But anyway its too early to be talking about this huh lol lets talk about some of the games Wii should come out

If it used the wiimote features then nintendo would be taking a step back and nobody would like that.

Take for example the ps2 and ps3, Sony did take a step back on the ps3 using the same controller but then they added other stuff to take a step into the future of Next-gen.

Now think: nintendo has already done the motion sensor idea, so if they were to use the wiimote in the next console they would need to add more stuff like the sonys ps3 controller.

surfinrach90 said:
Lol..but I do hope they don't go all sony and make a console that's for like movies, music and everything..

Why not? thats what the wii is lacking (and lacking games ;)) Doing multi-media isn't "going all sony" Microsoft was the first to do Multi-media with my Xbox and xbox 360.
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Do some crazy dance moves and watch your mii/character duplicate it perfectly for a mii dancing contest lol
Since Nintendo are big on the imagination and creativity thing how about they make lots of hype about a new console everyone rushes out to buy one and there is nothing inside, the whole idea is the box IS the console...
I'd buy one!
What about a console where you have to run on a treadmill to power up?
That way you get running excercise for an hour and playtime for half-an-hour for the hour's running.:lol:
Byuakuya said:
What about a console where you have to run on a treadmill to power up?
That way you get running excercise for an hour and playtime for half-an-hour for the hour's running.:lol:
I'm definetely buying the PS4 now! :yikes: :p
I think if anyone will do it it will be Nintendo that goes virtual reality maybe not next-next-gen but eventually me and my friends came up with an amazing idea and we might make a YouTube video of it
surfinrach90 said:

Lol..but I do hope they don't go all sony and make a console that's for like movies, music and everything..

ZOMFG! LOL that thing is ridiculous! Who made that? And yeah I don't mind a DVD player in it and High Definition graphics but anything more than that is just excess for me.
from what i hear there working on a wii2!!!! look at my sig.

That thing is crazy anyway someone said that nintendo would no longer focus on home consoles that would be so stupid I don't believe that's true though it will be a challenge to outdo themselves I do think the next console will have a amazing graphics for a number of reasons
Nintendo's next system will probably be an upgrade of the Wii.. just like how all the other systems were up till the Wii and DS.... the Wii still has lots of things to improve on... so more than likely the next syetem nintendo will release will probably have better graphics, faster processor and improvements on the Wiimote.... then probably the system after that Nintendo might come out with a new innovation ...
when they do make their next console it should definetly support all the Wii controllers and accessories and be backwards compatible with everything like the Wii is, basically a graphically and memory beefed up Wii with a harddrive and dvd playback is all is needed for the next Nintendo console to kick more ass.

Oh yeh... and DONT do what PS3 did.... create games with such high detail that the console can't handle it and glitches and lags in parts of the games. If you want proof go to ign website and see reviews of Fight night round 3 and ridge racer 7 for PS3, thats just to name 2.
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