Nintendo Wii Savings

i have one grand set aside for wii. Not gonna use it all, but just to be sure. This is actually my "nintendo fund," which includes nds and gcn stuff.
I am not too sure. I am moving into a new appartment where rent is higher then before so im not too sure how much I will be spending on the Wii when it comes out. If it is $250 I will probably spend like $300-$350, maybe a bit more. My birthday is in October so I hope its out before the 20th so I can ask for some new games.

This is gonna be so awsome :p

Think I've got about $70 or so saved up, but looking for ways to make more cash. I definitely don't just want to buy a Wii, but outright pre-order it... I foresee chaos at all the local stores...
i got like $800 that i can use but im not going to (i make about $160 a week and use about $20 on gas every 1.5 weeks and have been working for about 6 or 7 weeks so yea lol)
I have 13,000 Lexis points that I am going to use. That will only mean something to law students though :). I just hope they will have the system right when it comes out

I have $155, only $100 by tomorrow-Console
$0 for games

---I get $70 a week but i spend to much money on magazines and manga:rolleyes: But when i know the release date im gonna save like mad...if thats possible---
I have 0e at this moment since me and my girlfriend are moving in month and need to do some serious shopping for new aparnament but I think we can take about 700-1000 in one or two months from salaries of us both oh yeah and 600 tax repayment gonna go for some wii stuff too if needet =)