Nintendo Wii players are monkeys.


nkbswe5. RLY!
Jun 27, 2006
Not in America
Wii Online Code
See! I proved it.

If this has been posted, well, Im a really bad searcher then.
does it actualy play or just holding it?

that'd be awesome, id buy 20 monkeys if i could play with em..

actualy, i wouldn't, id buy more games. :D
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The monkey is playing the game, its from some American version of 'Zoo' magazine. Amazing! Shock!
nkbswe5 said:
The monkey is playing the game, its from some American version of 'Zoo' magazine. Amazing! Shock!

Nuts is a UK publication.

So guys and gals, if you have no friends, buy some monkeys :)
wtf @ that.

i know they're smart, but how does he know how to use it mmm..

i mean does the monkey use stragedies or just play the game even if its really doing nothing at all?
nkbswe5 said:
That i do not know. But its a monkey, so who cares!

You don't know if the monkey is able to strategize? It's an effing monkey. Of course it isn't able to strategize on a video game.

funny english people. hahaha.

but seriously. this remined me of dane cook. hahahahhaha
hahaha i think monkeys post in this forum too lol! ~scratches head and eats banana~:eek: