Nintendo Wii - Mario Kart Vs Smash Bros

Brawl is looking better visually to me.
Both look great though, and both will be bought by me :lol:
brawl, without a doubt in my mind, by looking at the screenshots already released, i would have to say brawl, the characters have more detail
Any of you who think that Mario Kart will 1) outsell SSBB or 2) have better graphics, I'm sorry, but you must be seriously mis-informed...along with this guy. vvv
KyleForMe said:
(they probably wont release another mario kart on wii)
ssbb_lover said:
Any of you who think that Mario Kart will 1) outsell SSBB or 2) have better graphics, I'm sorry, but you must be seriously mis-informed...along with this guy. vvv

It may outsell, but look at the screenshots, the graphics are far better on SSBB
ssbb_lover said:
Believe me, Mario Kart won't beat SSBB. Not by a long shot.

I preffer the SSB series, but I assume more people are interested in Mario Kart
JAKE196 said:
we haven't seen enough to declde which is better overall, but the ssmb screenshots look better.
FRuMMaGe said:
I preffer the SSB series, but I assume more people are interested in Mario Kart
Only reason I'm saying what I'm saying, is because look...Does Mario kart have a site daily updating to gain hype by the weeks? Does it have a huge site dedicated to fellow players of Mario Kart to discuss strategy and which characters are best? Does Mario Kart have it's own section on this site like SSBB (which, may I say, is the most active of the gaming sub-forums)? Which game will young boys (who probably mostly own Wii's) buy because it looks "cooler" and all the older kids will be getting it?

You may answer those yourself. But, even if Kart does get it's campaigning act together, SSBB will still outsell.
Jcool813 said:
are graphics relly that important to people? aslong as the gameplay is good idc
Jcool813 said:
SSBB_lover your funny but honestly u shuddn't care if a game is good it doesn't matter how it looks i hate cell-shade but i still like the DBZT games
So I shouldn't care if a game sucks and if the GFX are even worse than the gameplay? I should just buy it anyway? Even if IGN rates it a .01/10? I hope you realize what you're saying is completely illogical.

At least I'm providing an argument backed up with proof, not, "I think SSBB will sell more cuz its in mah name lolz".
ssbb_lover said:
Believe me, Mario Kart won't beat SSBB. Not by a long shot.

That is one opinion. Mario Kart + Steering Wheel = Casual market. I bet you three quarters of the casual market don't even know the Super Smash Brothers Brawl website. SSBB will probably beat Mario Kart in sales, but with this whole new area of the market it probably will be closer then you think.
Eagles said:
That is one opinion. Mario Kart + Steering Wheel = Casual market. I bet you three quarters of the casual market don't even know the Super Smash Brothers Brawl website. SSBB will probably beat Mario Kart in sales, but with this whole new area of the market it probably will be closer then you think.
The fact that they know nothing of the website doesn't really matter, but the fact that there even is a website like that shows the devotion of that group of people to the series. Mario Kart has nothing like that.

I admit I got carried away when I said "by a long shot", but Brawl will DEFINITELY outsell MK.