Nintendo urges third parties to "make something unique"


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
I think Nintendo has realised that all there doing is PS2 ports and mini games collections.
With Wii continuing to do incredibly well, third parties are jumping on board faster than we can keep track of, but Nintendo wants devs to "take time" on their creations instead of rushing out quick cash-ins.

Speaking of Wii's healthy third party support, Nintendo of America's George Harrison said: "Certainly there's a strong line-up of third party titles, and we're trying to encourage them to make them.

"But, we're also trying to encourage third parties to take the time and effort to make something unique, not just to sort of throw something out on Wii because the Wii's the fast-selling system."

We're glad it's not just us noticing what's going on - late ports from old consoles, broken Wii Remote controls and the rest of the gumpf we've seen from too many third party productions.

He then goes on to state the obvious: "I think the ones that have spent the most time in the box are the ones that are going to be the most successful this holiday."

Elsewhere in the interview with our friends over at Next-Gen, he discusses Nintendo's production numbers for Wii, in light of the ongoing global shortages.

"I can't give an exact number for November and December. We had to make our final decision on how much to produce each month for the holidays back in the summer. It takes about five months for us to increase the actual monthly rate of production," he said.

He goes on to reveal: "We're at a rate now worldwide of about 1.8 million Wiis produced every month, and that's going to sustain itself until we get on top of this. We're trying to make decisions on almost a weekly basis about which market to ship the product to, because in Japan it's a big success, and same in Europe."

Insert potentially offensive joke about the poor, over-worked souls churning out 1.8 million consoles a year here.
Well, since my previous post in here has been deleted since the thread is now a sticky, here it is again. xP))

Well, I've started up my Wii, and it's a-****in'-mazing! But three things are kinda' buggin' me.
One, when I moved the Wiimote around, it seems to be fine, but after a bit, I noticed it'd get kinda jittery and go off-track for a fraction of a second occasionally.
Two, I've noticed that when I'm moving around the Wiimote, it's kind of... I dunno, off. It doesn't feel like it's in the right place, sometimes. Bugs me a bit...
Three, I was playing Wii Sports, and with the baseball game, when I first held the "bat," it was working totally fine, and then I switched to pitching. When I went back to the batting position, the exact way I held the Wiimote the last time was doing something different. Instead of being over the Mii's shoulder, the tip was facing the camera angle.

Anyone else having these problems? Any suggestions on how to fix or cope with them?

If you use the Opera browser on your PC you'll probably be aware of the little shortcuts and mouse gestures the software uses to complete simple tasks.

Well it seems some of these shortcuts have been incorporated into the Wii version and the Wiimote.

Here's what's currently known:

Refresh: B+ D-pad up
Bookmarks: B+ D-pad down
Search: B+ D-pad left
Enter New Address: B+ D-pad right
Back: B+ (-)
Forward: B+ (+)

There might be some more hidden around too.
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FINALLY! Its about time they noticed all the crap that has come out over the past year. Now the only question is if the third parties will actually listen.

We can only hope...
Plugged in Wii last night (after waiting 8 hrs in NYC cold). worked great, logged into my wireless access point and updated the firmware twice. played for a few hours. Turned the device off (went to standby, orange LED). Today, it stayed in standby mode and i could not recover from it. I turned off the power by holding down the power switch and LED went red. Hitting it again, it turned green, the screen shows absolutely nothing.

I've tried different inputs and 2 other TVs - the Wii turns on, DVD drive spins up, but the screen is completely black -

does anyone else have a similiar issue? There are no error codes reported;
iOwnage said:
FINALLY! Its about time they noticed all the crap that has come out over the past year. Now the only question is if the third parties will actually listen.

We can only hope...
My thoughts as well.
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Try asking in the hardware section
wiiman14 said:
Plugged in Wii last night (after waiting 8 hrs in NYC cold). worked great, logged into my wireless access point and updated the firmware twice. played for a few hours. Turned the device off (went to standby, orange LED). Today, it stayed in standby mode and i could not recover from it. I turned off the power by holding down the power switch and LED went red. Hitting it again, it turned green, the screen shows absolutely nothing.

I've tried different inputs and 2 other TVs - the Wii turns on, DVD drive spins up, but the screen is completely black -

does anyone else have a similiar issue? There are no error codes reported;
Dude, this isnt the thread to tbe posting this on but to help I would make sure ur tv is on the same video input as ur Wii, or it could possibly be a bad video input cable.
Game Developers will look at 3 things. Production costs, unit sales, and production time. This will determine the winner of the console wars. The one that can do all 3 the best will get the bulk of developers. The one that does this the worst will lose the console wars outright.
After playing the Wii, i realized just how great shooters can be on the wii. Even the moh2 gameplay and graphics isn't the full potential of the wii and its still great. So with improved graphics, the wii can really be a leading console in shooters. All third parties has to do is work alittle harder
Its about time someone said something. I was on EB games and I saw games for the wii that made me wanna throw my wiimote in the TV because of disgust. The console has great potential. Dont get me wrong, I <3 party games but there are just too many. I would love for the 3rd party developers to be creative and think out of the box.